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Paul Davidson
Middle-aged Dad energy 🧑🏼‍💻
66 followers470 following143 posts

Not non-fiction, but Emily Wilson's Odyssey is a great read aloud over a cot side


For well in the future, Munichs by David Peace is _superb_. But absolutely not in the next few weeks. Maybe do his Damend United instead


Weekend in the House with the Kids (2004, Digital Photograph)

Rechargable batteries doing their thing. Out of shot are the toy train and remote control car that they came from, haring around with the fresh batteries in them.
Reposted by Paul Davidson

Some months later, she was getting congested again, and thought she'd tell the funny funny leech story. One of the bio undergrads accused her of making it up. She sneezed. Dude got COVERED in baby leeches. Just COVERED. I don't think he ever called another female biologist a liar.


There's a morbid curiosity in waiting for Rafferty to say something that makes you want to eat your own arm off in cringe though.

Reposted by Paul Davidson

“Stupid cow.” Iris Murdoch loses patience with a not-a-question-more-a-comment fan at a literary event. (from Paul Bailey’s memoir A Dog’s Life)

I made the acquaintance of other writers, most notably Angus Wilson, who had introduced me to Elizabeth Bowen and been characteristically kind, and Iris Murdoch, whom I had met on a tour of the Midlands organized by the Arts Council. One night, in Knutsford - the origin of Mrs Gaskell's Cranford - an overdressed woman in the front room of the church hall announced that she hadn't heard of the three men on the panel but simply adored Miss Murdoch's novels. “Why is that?” Iris demanded, out of curiosity. 'Oh, because they're so predictable,' the woman replied. "That isn't much of a compliment,” Iris snapped. The woman was relentless in her misplaced enthusiasm. “I mean, I feel so at home in them. You seem to have written them with me in mind. I always know where I am.” This was insupportable to Iris, who muttered "Stupid cow' under her breath and invited a sensible question from somebody else.

It's neat how the Metro is almost visible in the 15 min city map of Tyneside ( Historic town centres get connected by rail and maintained through today. Little cuts of red on areas that either aren't developed are have the modern car-orientated suburbs on them.

Heatmap of Newcastle upon Tyne showing amenities which are accessible in under 15 mins on foot. The accessible areas correlate with the historic town centres connected with blue through-lines that cover the metro map

5yo splashed too vigorously in a puddle and had to waddle home. Spots a neighbour while doing the wide leg walk and shouts, "Well pilgrim" Not a clue. She just _knows_ the waddle and pilgrim go together.


Or that they managed two whole presidents before there was a tie and everyone had to say, "I dunno. Nothing written down."

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Paul Davidson
Middle-aged Dad energy 🧑🏼‍💻
66 followers470 following143 posts