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Peter Corkeron
Marine ecologist. Currently unemployed Got an adjunct position for which I'm very grateful Been known to do stuff on dolphins and whales My views are invariably mine My site:
92 followers78 following195 posts

Some good news from the meeting of the International Whaling Commission - "Two Resolutions were withdrawn... These were on Food Security and the Implementation of a Conservation and Management Program for whale stocks aimed towards the orderly development of the whaling industry." 😃 🐳🌍🦑

Day Four: three Resolutions adopted and a report from the Scientific Committee
Day Four: three Resolutions adopted and a report from the Scientific Committee


The western half of the island of New Guinea is culturally very different from the rest of what is now the Indonesian archipelago. The Act of Free Choice didn't involve much in the way of free choice.


Yet again, an entangled North Atlantic #rightwhale found in the Gulf of St Lawrence. Breeding female. The slow drip of extinction. Maybe not so slow. 🐳🌍🦑


Paving that road made a huge difference to how many people go there


I was there in the 90s. Glorious place.


Awesome new paper out on the Shark Bay dolphins. More insight into how amazing dolphins are. "...variability in male dolphin communication range driven by habitat structure predicts the number of preferred alliance partners..." 🐳🌍🦑

Communication range predicts dolphin alliance size in a cooperative mating system
Communication range predicts dolphin alliance size in a cooperative mating system

Sørensen et al. show that variability in male dolphin communication range driven by habitat structure predicts the number of preferred alliance partners in a cooperative mating system. The study provi...


My latest piece, out in Makes the point that the narrative run by the anti-whaling movement is being disproved by current events, and that the Wikileaks releases on whaling showed us a couple of important things that have been ignored. I'd love to be wrong 🐳🌍🦑

Losing the Whales: How the Anti-Whaling Narrative Has Failed | Common Dreams
Losing the Whales: How the Anti-Whaling Narrative Has Failed | Common Dreams

The return of pelagic commercial whaling is imminent. Learn how the anti-whaling movement faces its greatest defeat in international negotiations.


From the paper that the news article is based on - "We also show that only 1.5% of the MPA area is under strong protection (fully and highly protected), representing 0.2% of EU national waters." A fifth of one percent isn't very much is it...

Over 80% of the European Union’s marine protected area only marginally regulates human activities
Over 80% of the European Union’s marine protected area only marginally regulates human activities

The European Union has developed an ambitious vision for its marine protected areas (MPAs), aiming for 30% of MPA coverage and 10% strict protection per sea region. However, the protection levels of e...


I'm hearing that we're getting a revival of the "whales eat all the fish" nonsense including at CCAMLR. Science behind that is poor at best. Even IMR staff have walked away from it. Tore Haug, in particular.

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Peter Corkeron
Marine ecologist. Currently unemployed Got an adjunct position for which I'm very grateful Been known to do stuff on dolphins and whales My views are invariably mine My site:
92 followers78 following195 posts