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Peter Sturdgess
Sort of given up on Twitter and Threads, Mastodon was like treacle so I am here. #FBPE. Cyclist, Sailor, with a penchant for long walks. Salvitur Ambulando. A like means that I appreciate your commenting, not that I agree with your comment.
2.3k followers4.4k following914 posts
Reposted by Peter Sturdgess

Labour are scared of addressing the elephant in the room. Until they acknowledge the dire effect that Brexit is having on the British economy they haven’t a hope in hell of solving the major problem our country is facing - LACK OF GROWTH. Starmer and Reeves are both deluded and making bad decisions.


I suppose you are right, I was just so excited to find something even remotely close.

Reposted by Peter Sturdgess

Brexit is still rubbish..Good job there’s a solution: #RejoinEU#RejoinMarch


Sadly I suspect that swimming one handed may be very very apt summing up of Starmer. His shortcomings are becoming apparent to the very people who voted tactically to get him in.


Interesting piece from Simon, especially the warning that Starmer might fall into the trap which so convincingly scuppered Cameron. There is one solution and it is very simple, swallow our pride and get back in. The machismo of staying out is so yesterday.

Reposted by Peter Sturdgess

This tweet from Mohammad Ali Shabani is worth sharing here, I’d say: “You're going to read a lot about how Hezbollah command is/was located in Beirut. This is an image of the Israel military's command. It is located in urban Tel Aviv.”

The above text and then an image of a densely packed urban center in Tel Aviv. 

Ceasefire now.

This ability of MPs to continue in their seats when they change parties is one of the great drawbacks of FPTP. Let's have done with it and introduce a modern, fair, and representative voting system.

Reposted by Peter Sturdgess

Starmer's going to be in trouble when he has to register the gift value of this Tory party conference.

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Peter Sturdgess
Sort of given up on Twitter and Threads, Mastodon was like treacle so I am here. #FBPE. Cyclist, Sailor, with a penchant for long walks. Salvitur Ambulando. A like means that I appreciate your commenting, not that I agree with your comment.
2.3k followers4.4k following914 posts