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Vux Populi
Brand Ambassador Hell Inc. International Unlimited - Blocked by god. „Fehlinkarniertes, cholerisches Indigokind mit karmischer Veranlagung zum Nerven“ - Rudi Steiner "One of the most annoying germans on this website" - Hamas Praxis für Humortheorie
347 followers177 following4.2k posts
Reposted by Vux Populi

Was macht ihr eigentlich, wenn ihr gerade mal nicht auf Bsky die Welt rettet?

Reposted by Vux Populi

Seit Wochen wird das #Bajszel immer wieder mit terrorverherrlichenden und verfassungsfeindlichen Parolen beschmiert und die Betreiber*innen bedroht. Heute Nacht kam es dann wohl zu einer neuen Eskalation in Form eines Brandanschlags.


Wer den Tod Nasrallahs feiert: Menschen, die unter Islamismus leiden und/oder vor dem Assad-Regime aus Syrien geflüchtet sind. Wer den Tod Nasrallahs Scheiße findet: Jan-Malte und Sabine aus Stuttgart-Kreuzberg.


Achtung Protestwähler: Die PARTEI ist eine Partei.

Reposted by Vux Populi

Ein Pager auf dessen Display das Wort Shalom angezeigt wird

Zum #Exwaldi Leben gehört, jedes Mal wieder überrascht zu sein, wenn Medikamente wirken.


Heute mal wieder im Traum meinen Lauch in der Sbahn an die Leine nehmen müssen und die Station verpasst. Na toll.

Reposted by Vux Populi

John Spencer, einer der weltweit führenden Experten für urbane Kriegsführung, hat das ziemlich gut eingeordnet.

1) Historic & unprecedented. I cannot find a similar intelligence/military operation with such secrecy, lethality, ingenuity, audacity, impact. While there have been other major intelligence operations in war (breaking Enigma, various spies inside governments) or surprise attacks (D-Day, Pearl Harbor, Inchon landing) but nothing so targeted lethal use of force, precise - proportionate & distinction, as many enemy hit, over such a wide geographic area.
2) Physical Impactful. In a single operation, the terrorist group Hezbollah was significantly impacted. Not only in physical injuries - unknown but reported in the thousands. The attack also exposed the Hezbollah network not just in Lebanon but in other places in the Middle East where Hezbollah agents or affiliated agents were carrying this specific pager issued by Hezbollah.
3) Psychological impact. War is a contest of will. It includes psychology and emotion. The psychological impact is massive. Hezbollah cannot trust their equipment, cannot communicate (rumored to have switched to pager out of concerns Israel was monitoring their comms), will likely change many elements of their operations with the potential to make further mistakes that can be exploited. With a single push of a button, fear was produced in mass in Hezbollah forces.
4) Timing. Why now? There will forever remain a lot of unanswered questions about the pager operation. War is fought within many interconnected domains of influence. Hezbollah is an Islamic Regime in Iran proxy force in Lebanon that has been been directly and continuously attacking Israel since October 8th. But Israel is fighting many enemies on many fronts. What it does and when it does it must factor many stakeholders to include their enemies, allies, domestic & international populations/context, other plans, other ongoing operations.

Heute ist ein guter Tag.


Zwischen der Tagesschau von heute und der von vor 20 Jahren besteht kaum ein Unterschied. Teils sprechen sogar die selben Politiker mit den selben Phrasen zum gleichen Thema wie damals.

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Vux Populi
Brand Ambassador Hell Inc. International Unlimited - Blocked by god. „Fehlinkarniertes, cholerisches Indigokind mit karmischer Veranlagung zum Nerven“ - Rudi Steiner "One of the most annoying germans on this website" - Hamas Praxis für Humortheorie
347 followers177 following4.2k posts