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'Carbon is life, say no to the climate scam! Vote ADN' National Democratic Alternative (Alternativa Democrática Nacional - ADN) made the most cringe, absurd, denialist billboard for the national election next Sunday. A cow farting on the UN Agenda 2030 🐄💨


New article (in Portuguese) about Chega and authoritarian legacies 🔥 At the next national elections (10 March) many will cast a vote for Chega, and they represent an electorate that is extremely nostalgic of the Salazar regime 👇

Chega entre legados autoritários e nostalgia
Chega entre legados autoritários e nostalgia

Os eleitores do Chega destacam-se dos restantes quando se trata de sentir saudades dos ‘bons velhos tempos’ de Salazar. De facto, os eleitores do Chega são muito mais propensos a dizer que Salazar est...


What will happen to the Portuguese Left? Is the last orthodox Communist party in Western Europe going to survive? Will the socialists be able to rise once again from their ashes? Read my analysis of (left-wing) political billboards ahead of new elections 👇

A semiotic analysis of political billboards in Lisbon: 2024 elections edition.
A semiotic analysis of political billboards in Lisbon: 2024 elections edition.

A year ago, in March 2023, I published the first half of this experiment. I took pictures of political billboards in Lisbon, Portugal, and analyzed them. That first part, which you can read here, was ...


PAN finally did it. They put out fun a billboard recalling the ads for a bed of a famous company that sells ready-to-assemble furniture. In line with PAN's anti-bullfight stance the billboard says: Bullfights only in bed. And with consent. Possibly the best billboard of the 2024 elections (so far).

Bullfighting only in bed. And with consent.

I wrote an article (in Italian) about memory conflicts across Europe. Wolrd War 2 used as a terrain of memorial conflict, Elon Musk at Auschwitz, the German memory of the Holocaust used against Palestinians, the lack of memory of fascist crimes, and much more.

ll conflitto memoriale - Jacobin Italia
ll conflitto memoriale - Jacobin Italia

Il dibattito su come decidiamo di ricordare il passato non è mai stato così attuale, e allo stesso tempo così frustrante, pieno di cortocircuiti storici


Portugal is Possible. Ossanda Liber. (ND) 1) Political message: 5/10 (although Portugal has been existing for almost 1000 years) 2) Aesthetics: 5/10 (blue, water, sky...neutral evil?) 3) Overall: 5/10 (soothing and dystopic in equal parts)


Bonus track #1 25 November. Democracy, Freedom, Prosperity. (IL) 1) Political message: 2/10 (freedom and democracy was thanks to 25 April, prosperity in PT is not really there yet...) 2) Aesthetics: 1/10 (not an actual billboard, more like a poster/flyer) 3) Overall: 1.5/10


100% Partido Novo. Dignified future. "Austrian school of economics". 100% life. 100% freedom. 100% private property. 100% traditional family. 1) Political message: 1/10 2) Aesthetics: 1/10 3) Overall: 1/10 (but it makes my day everytime I see it, it's so bad it's actually funny)


Portugal needs a cleansing. #shame (Chega) 1) Political message: 1/10 (borderline fascist) 2) Aesthetics: 1/10 (but probably 8/10 is you like Ventura's face and hate the socialists) 3) Overall: 5/10 (not a mathematical average, but it will probably work because of PS corruption scandals)

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233 followers300 following81 posts