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Dr. Jennifer "More Women More Witchcraft" Thompson
Scholar of US Judaism, intermarriage, applied ethics, secular Jews. Admirer of unions, democracy, sheepherding. Student of sewing. New book: Applying Jewish Ethics: Beyond the Rabbinic Tradition.
257 followers286 following654 posts

I don’t know why Walz would agree to participate in such a waste of time and energy.


His family were wonderful to me when I was an undergrad & master’s degree student in the Boston area so I see him as eternal. 🥰


Similar—I might have bled out after my second child if not for close monitoring by a nurse. Maybe after my first as well but it has faded from memory.


I am not a knitter so to me it sounds like you’re knitting bread.


I would probably turn it inside out, get a contrasting color of thread for fun, and hand-sew the torn part with stitches that look like Xes. Or you could take it to a tailor to fix if you wanted it to look like it never happened.


Yes, and even better, “visible mending” is a thing now so it doesn’t even have to look good.


That sounds great! The other solution I found was giving away bags of passion fruit to anyone who’d take them.


I had this situation last year. Passion fruit pulp is great in cocktails—martini, margarita, etc. Also good as a yogurt topping.


That’s awful. The driver who lost control of the car had to have been doing something unsafe leading up to it—I can’t think of how else you’d manage to drive onto the sidewalk and kill somebody.


There is no mayor; there is only Zuul.

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Dr. Jennifer "More Women More Witchcraft" Thompson
Scholar of US Judaism, intermarriage, applied ethics, secular Jews. Admirer of unions, democracy, sheepherding. Student of sewing. New book: Applying Jewish Ethics: Beyond the Rabbinic Tradition.
257 followers286 following654 posts