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David Marler
@NoFibs blogger. Carer. Profile pic backdrop is from Dr Timothy Graham from Queensland University Of Technology.
343 followers332 following2.2k posts

An earthquake went off near Peter Dutton's proposed nuclear reactor in the Hunter Valley & no one questioned him. It was the Palestinian ban which dominated & how Dutton had been vilified as racist, according to David Littleproud & Sussan Ley.

It's brutal, it's bullying and it's not covered by parliament's new conduct rules
It's brutal, it's bullying and it's not covered by parliament's new conduct rules

Politics is a rough business and not for the faint-hearted but politicians railing about people being vilified should look twice at the way they treat those in wildly unequal positions of power.


David, a small point of correction: between May and September, as Mercury, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune *and* Pluto are going retrograde, Leyy is spelt with two y's and, as you'll note, a silent q - it takes so little to make the effort to pander to these inbred white-collar criminals. (deargod!) 🤦‍♂️

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David Marler
@NoFibs blogger. Carer. Profile pic backdrop is from Dr Timothy Graham from Queensland University Of Technology.
343 followers332 following2.2k posts