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David Marler
@NoFibs blogger. Carer. Profile pic backdrop is from Dr Timothy Graham from Queensland University Of Technology.
343 followers332 following2.2k posts

Joe Hockey resisted altering negative gearing. He left it until 2015 as he was going out the door to concede, "negative gearing should be skewed towards new housing". We all know it but it's just too tempting for the Coalition to attack Labor with.

Joe Hockey defends record and touches on failings in farewell speech to MPs
Joe Hockey defends record and touches on failings in farewell speech to MPs

Hockey says he wishes he could have seen through policy proposals such as broadening GST and defends his friend and occasional foe Tony Abbott


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David Marler
@NoFibs blogger. Carer. Profile pic backdrop is from Dr Timothy Graham from Queensland University Of Technology.
343 followers332 following2.2k posts