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Local University & College Union branch at Queen Mary University of London. || Account checked only part-time; allow time for responses or reach us via email.
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Well done that journalist for interlacing the very astute observations about the devastation wrought on UK Higher Education at the moment with the fever dreams that pass for consultancy pitches from HEPI. It's the only way of showing how unhinged they are.

Hillman suggests that a more radical step could be to sell a university to a foreign power. “The single most valuable thing a British university has is the right to award British degrees. Because having a British degree is very valuable; that’s why international students are paying for it. So if a university falls over and the government’s got no spare money and it just wants the problem to go away, would it sell a British university?” Hillman says that there is no process in place to arrange this, “but there’s a lot of money abroad that would happily purchase an institute with degree-awarding powers”.
Hillman argues that it’s reasonable for universities to close departments that are less popular and aren’t serving students. “There have been one or two rows about institutions closing language departments, for example, or politics departments and history departments. We don’t want our universities to be never-changing,” he says. “It’s reasonable that universities could close departments, just as it’s reasonable they should open things up. They’re running AI courses now, which they wouldn’t have been running 10 years ago.”

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Local University & College Union branch at Queen Mary University of London. || Account checked only part-time; allow time for responses or reach us via email.
287 followers801 following240 posts