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Quackery Detector
Twitter has become a cesspool of, among other things, quackery
244 followers173 following374 posts

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Tweet from @Anpo_Star

Stephanie Seneff, senior research scientist at MIT:
People who get the COVID vaccine multiple times, each time they get the vaccine, their immune system ages, and when their immune system ages they age. So, basically, it speeds up your aging process!

just from looking at VAERS.

01:22 • 22/9/2024 • 87 Views

A virtual certificate with text "Celebrating 10M users on Bluesky, #1,024,511, Quackery Detector ‪‬, joined on Sep 16, 2023"

Buy my Pharma supplements… no no, not that Pharma #QuackWalker

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Dr. Dennis Walker  @drdenwalker

Everyone should know this:
Vitamin C, elemental Zinc, Quercetin and Vitamin D3/ K2, magnesium are the most basic preventative measure you can take. Ph@rma simply don't want you to know that.
RT and Share

21:23 • 16/9/2024 • 203K Views
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Barbara Oneill

THIS helps you have crystal-clear vision 
Get crystal-clear vision thanks to this breakthrough discovery.
Did you know you can achieve perfect 20/20 vision ...
Without any intrusive methods, expensive glasses, or painful eye exercises.
In fact, you can "heal" your dying vision and have better sight than an army sniper.
This is all thanks to a new breakthrough discovery in the field of adult repair stem cells.
And don't worry. These cells have nothing to do with embryos, unborn babies, or anything like that..
They're already in your body. All you need to do is awaken them.
And the best news?
Once awakened, these stem cells begin a
"healing" process.
Now, all you need to do is watch this short video to see how:
Awaken your adult repair stem cells to have 20/20 vision

8:51 AM • Aug 30, 2024 • 203.8K Views

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Dr Tess Lawrie

As Dr Andrew Wakefield's image is rightfully restored to that of Champion of children's health, my thoughts are with his mother Mrs Bridget Wakefield (Dr Bridget Matthews), whose only wish for years has been for her beloved son's name to be cleared.
Your Andy is a hero, Mrs Wakefield. Thank you for bringing him into this world.
To mothers and fathers around the world, Dr Andrew Wakefield was right all along.
It's up to us now to stop this voodoo madness.
Let's do our best!
#Autism #AutismAwareness #theresabetterway

FYl: There are still a few tickets left to the Protocol 7 screening in Bath, UK, on the 29th Sept.

Last edited 19:48 • 19/9/2024 • 2.1K Views

Quacks Ealy and Mikovits on the grift train #QuackEaly#QuackMikovits

Dr Henry Ealy @DrHenryEaly

In this episode, Dr. H discusses frequency and electromedicine with Matthew Rife of Rife Technology.
In a deep and very interesting conversation, they lay out the long history of electromedicine and its modern-day applications for healing.
Frequency therapy has the potential to cure cancer …

05:11 • 12/9/2024 • 711 Views
10 Likes 8 Bookmarks
Judy A. Mikovits PhD 

Cardiomiracle and Ty here globss and these healing
Key products
Carfiomiracle foundation
Liver cleanse and all on quick recovery
we can optimize

09:49 • 18/9/2024 • 5K Views
17 Reposts 160 Likes 89 Bookmarks

quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack #QuackRife

Matthew Rife @RifeTechnology

I am getting in contact with Alexis's dad in just a little bit. I'll be sending some equipment and EMF blocking blankets to her as soon as I get permission to.
@DrHenryEaly@DrJudyAMikovits can you guys suggest what I need to order for this girl to flush these trash injections out of her body? | have Dr Groups charcoal from the convention over the weekend. Just tell me whatever else is needed to order please.

quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack #QuackRodri


NL Hier een héél BELANGRIJK
ONTGIFTINGSPROCEDURE voor wie de prik genomen heeft.
Snelle ontgifting van grafeenoxide, spike-eiwitten en magnetisme bij de mens, geverifieerd en bevestiga door Spaanse wetenschappers.
Het grafeenoxide (GO) is niet bijzonder stabiel in het lichaam en moet verschillende keren worden "aangevuld". Vandaar de vele geplande "herhalingsvaccinaties"!
Het lichaam kan grafeenoxide volledig zelf afbreken met de volgende vrij verkrijgbare
- NAC = N-acetylcysteine 600-750mg
(daarmee maakt het lichaam zelf glutathion aan)
- Zink 50mg
NAC en zink zijn de 2 belangrijkste die zeker nodig zijn om grafeen af te breken en worden aangevuld met:
- Glutathion (het belangrijkste voor de ontgifting van het lichaam)
- Astaxantin 5mg (verbetert ook het gezichtsvermogen)
- Quercetine
- Vitamine D3 (vooral waar niet veel zon is)
- Mariadistel (ook lever- en maagbeschermend)
- Melatonine 1mg (tegen straling 5G)

3:36 PM • Sep 17, 2024 • 19.7K Views
Translated from Dutch by Google

PROCEDURE for those who have taken the shot.
Rapid detoxification of graphene oxide, spike proteins and magnetism in humans, verified and confirmed by Spanish scientists.
Graphene oxide (GO) is not particularly stable in the body and needs to be "replenished" several times. Hence the many planned "booster vaccinations"!
The body can completely break down graphene oxide on its own with the following over-the-counter supplements:
- NAC = N-acetylcysteine 600-750mg (with which the body
produces its own glutathione)
- Zinc 50mg
NAC and zinc are the 2 most important ones that are definitely needed to break down graphene and are supplemented with:
- Glutathione (most important for the detoxification of the body)
- Astaxanthin 5mg (also improves vision)
- Quercetin
- Vitamin D3 (especially where there is not much sun)
- Milk thistle (also liver and stomach protective)
- Melatonin 1mg (against 5G radiation)

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Andrew Zywiec, MD (the good doctor)  • 1d 
I'm a doctor. I tell people to avoid doctors unless absolutely necessary. I used to think that was common knowledge. When I realized it wasn't, and that people were heavily addicted to the sick care model of western medicine, I doubled down. STAY AWAY FROM ALLOPATHIC POISON.


Andrew Zywiec, MD 
Eyes to see and ears to hear. Those who know the body is intelligently designed can appreciate that design and work within our limited confines of knowledge to assist that design, rather than manipulate, oppose, or alter that design. God's medicine is the natural.

08:07 • 16/9/2024 • 6.4K Views
14 Reposts 1 Quote 150 Likes 12 Bookmarks

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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

Huge Crowd at "What's Next" Hosted by Canadians for Truth in Toronto Metro
When I asked the audience who knows someone injured or dead from
The COVID-19 vaccine, 97% raised their hands. What's next for most is a year or more of McCullough Protocol Base Spike Protein Detoxification.

19:51 • 15/9/2024 • 107K Views
9 Quotes 678 Likes 40 Bookmarks
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Quackery Detector
Twitter has become a cesspool of, among other things, quackery
244 followers173 following374 posts