come on
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also he said the increasing popularity of “articles” relative to “essays” among the general reading public was proof of the public’s ever-increasing intellectual curiosity. which is just the kind of anti-essayist nonsense you would expect to hear from a man who expected a robot to make him biscuits


my favorite thing in the book (berkeley’s GIANT BRAINS) is when he says Yes, letting robots take our jobs will devalue human labor, so to fix it we should distribute the profits from robotic devices & programs among all of society curiously this is the only idea the future did not take him up on


but in 1949 they thought you would be able to pour flour & milk into your laptop, google “best biscuit recipe,” & have it make them for you. but you can’t. some future


75 years later & still nobody has thought of a better use for the internet than this


worst case of moral mitford poisoning I ever saw was multiple people tsking at nancy for denouncing diana to the govt while continuing to write her nice chatty letters this is not hypocrisy this is nancy heroically living up to the separate obligations of humanity and sorority. correctly!


this would be true even if the “muv” in question hadn’t loved hitler. see also “marmee” who gives me the creeps even though her politics are not so bad & indeed she is not even real like I called my own mother Mother, because that was her name! as far as concerned me but YOU don’t call her that


every few years I wash up on the inhospitable & incomprehensible shores of Mitford People due to rereading nancy mitford (a genius whom I love dearly) & remember how I hate them “parasocial” a much-abused word does actually apply to anyone who calls a woman “muv” without she is their very own mother


I read a cheap domestic thriller with a guy name of nigel or something like it. though what is like unto nigel but nigel, really I reread the beginning like twenty times just making sure he was really supposed to be american & I hadn’t misunderstood, I will never forgive it


(I saw reports she was an aerialist not a stripper but I don’t believe you can do aerial acts let alone pole dancing in petticoats, plus your wig or bonnet would fall off as soon as you went upside down. so some stripping would be necessary regardless or so it seems to me)


don’t know exactly how this adds up but although the bridgerton books are loathsome & stripping is unpleasant, the idea of a bridgerton stripper is incredibly charming that they didn’t bother to get her the right kind of outfit to take off is a crime

come on
245 followers74 following439 posts