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Quiara | ✡️🏳️‍🌈♿️ מָיִּם עֲקִיבָא
Jew. Writer. Death doula/educator. Gender malcontent. Bog hag. Gay for the Shabbat bride (they/them) #lesbian ♿️ #antifa #toastie #autistic #tarot Words at Hey, Alma C*sh*pp: $QuiaraH V*nmo: QuiaraH
997 followers733 following8.3k posts

Okay. Number 9. This thread is revealing I like a lot of “bad but not really” characters. But Daria. I am basically her, but nonbinary. Everything else is the same except the part where I’m gayer.

Daria, a Gen x queen. She has auburn hair, a green jacket, round glasses, an orange shirt and enough attitude to kick your ass with a glance.

Number 10! I like Crowley. I disavow half his creators, but I cannot help but love him. I hate to bring him up but Sir Terry Pratchett deserves some love for his help in creating him. He’s basically like Death, but snarkier. Honorary mention for aziraphael bc I’m not taking up two spots for this.

Crowley, right, and Aziraphael, left. The sartorial opposites. Crowley is dressed all in black with what looks to be a snake tie, sunglasses and a spiky red ‘do. Aziraphael is dressed like a gentleman from the 50s, all in creams and beige. He has a bow tie and spiky white hair.
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Quiara | ✡️🏳️‍🌈♿️ מָיִּם עֲקִיבָא
Jew. Writer. Death doula/educator. Gender malcontent. Bog hag. Gay for the Shabbat bride (they/them) #lesbian ♿️ #antifa #toastie #autistic #tarot Words at Hey, Alma C*sh*pp: $QuiaraH V*nmo: QuiaraH
997 followers733 following8.3k posts