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Drums, runs, games with friends. Software tools product manager on burnout leave. Posting from the burning hellscape of Portland 🖤
140 followers205 following732 posts

Recommend Bar Marco in the Strip. Interesting Italian food and a lovely bartender named Jason. Had to walk through the most bro few blocks to get there, but worth it.


I really wanted to like this show! Jeff Goldblum is fabulous… but something about it felt like a stage play and for some reason I didn’t like that. Or the characters felt flat because I knew what they were going to do? 🤷‍♂️ Granted, this was just two episodes in, does it get better?

Reposted by RalphBo

OK...the NWS Bot collection is now fully populated and ready to go. I'm sure bugs will come up along the way, but I think it is 95%+ stable. There's an index page at including a map (borrowed from NWS) to find the right bot for the area you want to follow.


Dorie Greenspan’s World Peace Cookies! There is disagreement in my family on how thick to cut them but everyone gobbles them up either way. They freeze very well.

World Peace Cookies, the Newest Version from Dorie's Cookies: Sneak Peek - Dorie Greenspan
World Peace Cookies, the Newest Version from Dorie's Cookies: Sneak Peek - Dorie Greenspan

The World Peace Cookie lives up to its name: If everyone had it, peace would reign o’er the planet. I'm convinced of this.

Reposted by RalphBo

Update from Ashville, NC as of 11:31 on Friday, 9/27

I'm here in the Canton/Asheville, NC area. All cell service is down, home phones, etc. Almost nowhere has power. We have been working our tails off trying to get mobile generators up to cell towers in hopes of restoring as much cell coverage as we can.  After several were connected to the towers we found out the entire data system for this area has been knocked out and we're landlocked on all sides due to landslides, interstates and all roads inand out of the area are blocked or washed away. I'm sitting at a fire department in their parking lot to get service from their cell tower that has a satellite data backup system. We're doing our absolute best but everything we're doing is failing right now.

Huh. Was just about to read the new one and look for how to opt out.


Heck, just now realizing he was in The Walkmen. Remember his voice from 1,000 Times, so forceful

Reposted by RalphBo

Will Ferrell has an enormous audience of straight dudes who need to hear this. Nothing but facts here about anti-trans bigotry:

Will Farrell on his trans friend Harper and why bigotry needs to get over things that aren’t hurting anyone and are none ot their goddamned business.

Looking for a frame of reference since I haven’t seen any of these(!)… how does Ben Kingsley in Sexy Beast compare?

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Drums, runs, games with friends. Software tools product manager on burnout leave. Posting from the burning hellscape of Portland 🖤
140 followers205 following732 posts