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Fraser McNair
Medievalist, blogger, charter enthusiast. Currently working as a research fellow on the Music In The Shadows project at the University of Nottingham. Read my blog at:
465 followers97 following193 posts

A roving army of mercenaries is in a troubled land and a political vacuum. Do they start a new kingdom? Some vikings did but we have little insight into why - except that provided by an ancient Greek under remarkably similar circumstances:

Xenophon and the Vikings
Xenophon and the Vikings

About eighteen months ago, I discovered that capital-C Classical Penguin Classics cost basically nothing on Kindle (other e-readers are available), and so, thinking that I should gain a background in ...


Between c. 850 and c. 1050, being a count became a matter of inheritance rather than appointment. This was one of the most crucial changes of the period - but was it the result of grasping nobles, or was it more principled? I examine this question in:


The transformation of office into property is one of *the* big socio-political changes of the Late Carolingian and Post-Carolingian periods. The model in question is roughly this: under Charlemagne, i...


Tenth-century France meets global history, as pre-crusade travel to Jerusalem ramps up in the _Life_ of a millennial traveler to the Holy Land, Archdeacon Adrald of Troyes (the only Latin account of the Holy Land for many decades either side):

Source Translation: A Tenth-Century Voyager to Jerusalem: the Life of St Adrald
Source Translation: A Tenth-Century Voyager to Jerusalem: the Life of St Adrald

It’s fair to call the Vita Aderaldi an obscure text. It’s not unknown – I dream of finding a completely unknown text, with the closest I’ve come so far my redating of the Vita Amabilis – but it rarely...


Hello new followers! If you're interested in medieval history, you might like the blog I run with Here are five of my best blog posts from this year:

Reposted by Fraser McNair

Today on the blog, What I Did on my Holidays (answer: think even more about Charlemagne’s elephant). (Also hello new followers! This is honestly alarmingly representative of the sort of thing I write about).

Checked Pasts: Charlemagne and the Elephant of Yusuf al-Bahili
Checked Pasts: Charlemagne and the Elephant of Yusuf al-Bahili

The Bibliothèque nationale de France normally makes appearances on this blog as a repository for written material. But in addition to 21,000 manuscripts, it also contains treasures of a different sort...


There's a Voynch Manuscript guy? He emailed the entire IMS at Leeds when I was there


Of note is that something thinking about these issues is one of the promised outputs from the project, so if you have thoughts or reading suggestions, please let me know!

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Fraser McNair
Medievalist, blogger, charter enthusiast. Currently working as a research fellow on the Music In The Shadows project at the University of Nottingham. Read my blog at:
465 followers97 following193 posts