Probably human; queer, disabled; super into health, disability, admin, and employment law; attorney (not your attorney); pen name Nova Mason; current MPH student. Personal non-work account. She/her.
105 followers153 following762 posts
Reposted by L-M

Hey Bluesky! Hit me up with the most recent book, story, song, or other piece of art you loved that was created by a trans person. Let's boost some trans creators today.


My sister and I went to see the first live action GI Joe movie in the theater. It was us and a group of VERY drunk frat dudes. At first we thought it would be awful, but no, their enthusiastic hootin' and hollerin' really added to the experience.


I remember doing English tutoring and the lesson that stuck with my middle schoolers the most? Passive voice in celebrity gossip magazine headlines. Passive voice hides the who-done-it! But we all know somebody did it!!! Why are they playing us like that????? Insert righteous middle-school anger.


(Also fun: my wife's history special interest is the civil war. Mine is early 1900's labor and health. They are SO CLOSE and yet SO FAR.)


Yeah. YEAH. I didn't like studying history because it was always presented as "Learn The History Facts" but now as an adult I do a LOT of legislative/health history and it's FASCINATING and I love it. Like... I promised my wife I wouldn't go for a PhD unless we win the lotto. If we win? History PhD.


Oh snap that reminds me I need to clear my cache (and by that I mean do the progressive muscle relaxation self-hypnosis to stop all the processes running in the background of My Mind.)


Hahaha haha just heard the woman at the front desk mention that they close at 10:30. The website says noon. (I should note I'm not blaming the folks working this location, or the others who need bloodwork. Nope, this is on the Large Companies who run these labs.)


ALSO I'm at the lab while it's busiest/crowded (Saturday morning) so having to wait longer. In a full waiting room. With some folks who are definitely sick. I'm immunosuppressed. Hoping my mask does its job! 😷


I can't get the meds until I do the labs (fortunately I do have a few weeks left). They're not "fun" ones, just immunosuppressants. I am having to arrange childcare around attempting to get the labwork done. I can't take time off work bc I NEED my PTO for other disability stuff.


I work full time. I have kids. So I am doing this running around with lower energy levels and higher pain levels. NO info on websites about locations being closed, just signs on the door. Meanwhile I'm getting daily calls asking why I haven't done the labs yet.

Probably human; queer, disabled; super into health, disability, admin, and employment law; attorney (not your attorney); pen name Nova Mason; current MPH student. Personal non-work account. She/her.
105 followers153 following762 posts