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Pike, Comet Connoisseur 🍩☄️
30+, ∀gender (they/she) 🌸 I watch anime. I especially like when the robots are big and the war is bad. SFW but 🔞 ! Icon: lunallion ☄️ #gunpla
968 followers472 following4.9k posts

this whole sequence has got me thinking thank GOD I live in a time with modern medicine

A surgeon holding a massive saw.  "Ready! We'll now begin the operation..."

THAT'S MY BOY Some Gundam series lean into this harder than others and I always love the ones that do. I've always found people to often be harsher on machines and technology than they deserve. They can be very helpful too!!

Loran in the White Doll: "Machines are also tools to help people! They're not just for fighting!"

I wonder if there is also one of those RETVRN movements out there that is against the use of anesthesia and disinfectants, sounds insane enough to actually exist.

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Pike, Comet Connoisseur 🍩☄️
30+, ∀gender (they/she) 🌸 I watch anime. I especially like when the robots are big and the war is bad. SFW but 🔞 ! Icon: lunallion ☄️ #gunpla
968 followers472 following4.9k posts