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3/ We've seen SCOTUS pull switcheroos before (looking at you, Dobbs). Could they use this case to push fetal "personhood"? With at least 3 justices already “personhood”-curious, who knows? We might get answers as early as next week. Stay tuned.

The Supreme Court Is Poised to Weigh in on Fetal 'Personhood'
The Supreme Court Is Poised to Weigh in on Fetal 'Personhood'

Could Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, and Neil Gorsuch convince another justice to hear an IVF case out of Alabama?


2/ Plot twist: The fertility clinics are actually asking SCOTUS to step in, claiming their due process rights were violated. It’s a bold but risky move. It could backfire if the Court decides to focus on the embryos' rights instead, writes in The Fallout.


1/ Heads up, folks! SCOTUS is back in session Monday, and they're eyeing some spicy cases—including Alabama's IVF saga. Remember when embryos suddenly became "minor children" there? Yeah, that mess is still ongoing.

The Supreme Court Is Poised to Weigh in on Fetal 'Personhood'
The Supreme Court Is Poised to Weigh in on Fetal 'Personhood'

Could Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, and Neil Gorsuch convince another justice to hear an IVF case out of Alabama?


4/ Kamala Harris' campaign rallies center on "freedom," focusing on reproductive rights. To ensure national reproductive freedom, her government must place a high priority on equal access to abortion services and move beyond the Roe framework.

How Kamala Harris Could Advance Reproductive Freedom as President
How Kamala Harris Could Advance Reproductive Freedom as President

A college student's step-by-step guide to five policies Harris could use to protect and progress reproductive rights.


3/ Other key policies Harris should support: expanding access to abortion pills, data privacy protections, countering deceptive “crisis pregnancy centers” (CPCs), and repealing the Hyde Amendment and the Comstock Act.


2/ Codifying abortion rights into federal law is crucial, and Harris must fight to get it done. But this will require a Democratic majority in Congress and possibly suspending the filibuster, a challenge she must be prepared to tackle.


1/ Gen Z, one of the most progressive generations, has played a vital role in supporting Harris. To keep the momentum, Harris must advance a bold, forward-thinking approach to reproductive justice, especially abortion rights, writes college student Sarah West.

How Kamala Harris Could Advance Reproductive Freedom as President
How Kamala Harris Could Advance Reproductive Freedom as President

A college student's step-by-step guide to five policies Harris could use to protect and progress reproductive rights.


2/ The Trump campaign may have not produced Project 2025, but he implemented nearly 2/3 of the Heritage Foundation’s recommendations in the first year of his term. Even though Project 2025’s director stepped down, the mission to reshape the government remains.


Let's talk about Project 2025. Whether it's officially adopted or not, its ideas are already influencing policy. The real issue? These policies could seriously harm millions of people worldwide. That's what we should be focusing on.

'Disbanding' Project 2025 Won't Stop Global Attacks on Women's Rights
'Disbanding' Project 2025 Won't Stop Global Attacks on Women's Rights

As the global “gag rule” turns 40, conservatives will stop at nothing to control how other countries implement their health programs.

Rewire News Group
Expert repro journalism that inspires. Home of Chronicles,, #BoomLawyered and The Fallout 📧
1.6k followers175 following423 posts