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lowtax speedrun enjoyer
the pool is to swim the horses
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(staring daggers at dollywood) this to me is key west

a post from ashley fairbanks that reads "I don't want to seem like I don't have empathy for people losing their homes. But throughout human history, people have had to move when the environment demanded it. Move inland. Build smaller houses, with stronger materials. Own less stuff."
a later post from Ashley Fairbanks that reads "I said 'incentivize climate migration and adaptation' and people heard 'don't help hurricane victims.' When most people's wealth is entirely tied up in their house, it's good policy to encourage to build them in ways and in places where they won't be at constant risk from climate disasters."
screen cap from the scene in Wet Hot American Summer where Gene said he was going to "fondle [his] sweaters" and then tried to pretend he said "fondue with cheddar." the other guy (I don't remember his name) replies "No, Gene. That is not what you said."

It's one thing to have a bad opinion, but it's another to try and launder it so you can have the same opinion while trying to deflect criticism


Telling people who live several hundred miles away from the Atlantic Ocean to ‘move inland’ is super helpful

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lowtax speedrun enjoyer
the pool is to swim the horses
2.8k followers1.7k following14.8k posts