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Rima I Anabtawi
Palestinian American digital-internet pioneer. Non-profit, NGO founder. Scholar, analyst, consultant, lecturer. Autodidact. Humanist. MENA Peace and Reconciliation Specialist-Consultant. Campari enthusiast. Dawg Mom. Yankees & Giants Fan.
2.3k followers1.6k following11k posts

Intense Israeli attacks may have forced up to a million people to flee parts of Lebanon in possibly the worst displacement crisis in the tiny countryā€™s history, PM Najib Mikati said ā€¦..which would amount to roughly a sixth of Lebanonā€™s population.

Lebanon may be seeing ā€˜largest displacementā€™ ever: PM Mikati
Lebanon may be seeing ā€˜largest displacementā€™ ever: PM Mikati

Intense Israeli attacks may have forced up to a million people to flee parts of Lebanon in possibly the worst displacement crisis in the tiny countryā€™s


From 2017 The false story Israel tells itself about the Middle East According to Israelā€™s leaders, the Middle East is made up of primitive tribespeople and Islamic radicals who cannot be negotiated with. Theyā€™re wrong. By Idan Barir and Ori Goldberg

The false story Israel tells itself about the Middle East - +972 Magazine
The false story Israel tells itself about the Middle East - +972 Magazine

According to Israel’s leaders, the Middle East is made up of primitive tribespeople and Islamic radicals who cannot be negotiated with. They’re wrong. By Idan Barir and Ori Goldberg Nearly...


ā€œIf Israel chooses to remain on its current path of conquest and annexation and commits itself to opposing Palestinian statehoodā€”as Netanyahu repeatedly has doneā€”it will consummate the destruction of Israel as a democratic stateā€

The Fight for a New Israel
The Fight for a New Israel

To end the war and build a lasting peace, the country must reinvent Its own democracy.

Reposted by Rima I Anabtawi

Israeli media reports that these are, for now, limited incursions, not full invasion.* * Emphasis on "for now".


Exclusive: The debate inside Iran on how to react to this pivotal crisis of Nasrallah's killing. Faced with a choice between all-out war with Israel or lying low in the interest of self-preservation, Khamenei appears to be choosing the latter.

Iran Projects Caution After Israeli Strikes Against Hezbollah
Iran Projects Caution After Israeli Strikes Against Hezbollah

Leaders in Tehran suggested it would be the Lebanese militia that would strike back at Israel after the killing of Hassan Nasrallah and bombings in Beirut.


Following the assassination of Hezbollah leader Hassan #Nasrallah#Iranā€™s envoy to the UN wrote a letter to the UNSG and UNSC president to call for an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council to address Israeli aggression in Lebanon and in the region.


This month has an echo of 1967, and not just because Hezbollah suffered a fast, fierce blow. Nasser cultivated a myth of martial prowess until his swift defeat shattered the illusion. And so it is today with the myth of a strong, united "resistance axis".

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Rima I Anabtawi
Palestinian American digital-internet pioneer. Non-profit, NGO founder. Scholar, analyst, consultant, lecturer. Autodidact. Humanist. MENA Peace and Reconciliation Specialist-Consultant. Campari enthusiast. Dawg Mom. Yankees & Giants Fan.
2.3k followers1.6k following11k posts