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Rima I Anabtawi
Palestinian American digital-internet pioneer. Non-profit, NGO founder. Scholar, analyst, consultant, lecturer. Autodidact. Humanist. MENA Peace and Reconciliation Specialist-Consultant. Campari enthusiast. Dawg Mom. Yankees & Giants Fan.
2.3k followers1.6k following11k posts

“If Israel chooses to remain on its current path of conquest and annexation and commits itself to opposing Palestinian statehood—as Netanyahu repeatedly has done—it will consummate the destruction of Israel as a democratic state”

The Fight for a New Israel
The Fight for a New Israel

To end the war and build a lasting peace, the country must reinvent Its own democracy.


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Rima I Anabtawi
Palestinian American digital-internet pioneer. Non-profit, NGO founder. Scholar, analyst, consultant, lecturer. Autodidact. Humanist. MENA Peace and Reconciliation Specialist-Consultant. Campari enthusiast. Dawg Mom. Yankees & Giants Fan.
2.3k followers1.6k following11k posts