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Rima I Anabtawi
Palestinian American digital-internet pioneer. Non-profit, NGO founder. Scholar, analyst, consultant, lecturer. Autodidact. Humanist. MENA Peace and Reconciliation Specialist-Consultant. Campari enthusiast. Dawg Mom. Yankees & Giants Fan.
2.3k followers1.6k following11k posts

This month has an echo of 1967, and not just because Hezbollah suffered a fast, fierce blow. Nasser cultivated a myth of martial prowess until his swift defeat shattered the illusion. And so it is today with the myth of a strong, united "resistance axis".


Biden’s Legacy – The wars in Gaza and Lebanon, or ending the Wars in Gaza and Lebanon? Only President Biden can bring the hostages home and end the war in Gaza. Will this be his legacy or will it be the president who fueled the war in Gaza? Gershon Baskin

The Biden legacy: The president who brought home the hostages!
The Biden legacy: The president who brought home the hostages!

From the blog of Gershon Baskin at The Times of Israel


The retrieval of the body of one of the senior officials who was killed in Dahiya, Beirut. 🇱🇧


I know this person well. This is a community I have very close ties with, but thanks for looking out.


This was prescient by Hassan Hassan and important, still, in short retrospect Assad’s Plan To Keep Syria Out of the War in Gaza Amid Israel’s conflict with Hamas and its allies, Damascus has taken a series of steady steps to mend ties with its former enemies

Assad’s Plan To Keep Syria Out of the War in Gaza
Assad’s Plan To Keep Syria Out of the War in Gaza

Amid Israel’s conflict with Hamas and its allies, Damascus has taken a series of steady steps to mend ties with its former enemies


Psychological breakdown, hubris, panic, paranoia, infiltrates.. endless. It really is stunning isn’t it? They knew a lot of this it should when Haniyeh was killed. It’s difficult to take it all in. Sec and intel folks and journalists have all my respect. They’re hyper focused. I’m definitely not


This is complicated as comms are out of unreliable. Yet.. Starlinks are going up & mobile towers trying to get in Here are ways to try to get in touch with your loved ones.

Where to report missing loved ones, seek reunion in Western NC after Helene floods
Where to report missing loved ones, seek reunion in Western NC after Helene floods

Because cellphone service is down in WNC, getting in touch with family members is hard. Here are ways to try to get in touch with your loved ones.

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Rima I Anabtawi
Palestinian American digital-internet pioneer. Non-profit, NGO founder. Scholar, analyst, consultant, lecturer. Autodidact. Humanist. MENA Peace and Reconciliation Specialist-Consultant. Campari enthusiast. Dawg Mom. Yankees & Giants Fan.
2.3k followers1.6k following11k posts