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Dead Man’s Hand, Rebels and Patriots, Musket and Tomahawks, Frostgrave, Rangers of Shadowdeep and board-game player. More than a passing interest in historic buildings and landscape. Occasional wildlife phots … when it stands still long enough.
367 followers347 following815 posts

Just rummaged thru’ the lead mountain and have come up with some suitable miniatures for playing “Devilry Afoot” … now to get them based and undercoated. #DevilryAfoot#Wargaming#BloodyMiniatures#CrookedDiceMiniatures

Phot of a pile of 28mm metal miniatures in plastic bags waiting to be based and painted.
28mm protagonists for “Devilry Afoot”. Creatures, witches and vampyres 
Waiting for the touch of the brush.
Some 28mm everyday 17th century folk to act as hardened and stout hunters, or trembling innocents.

Back from a short break and the “Devilry Afoot” rules were waiting for me. Luckily enough, I picked up a copy of “witches and Witchcraft” in the Shire Library series. #DevilryAfoot#wargaming

Photo of the front cover of a set of gaming rules called “Devilry Afoot”. Set in the late 16th and early 17th centuries it is a game for hunting folklore creatures.
Phot of a Shire Library series book cover entitled “Witches and Witchcraft”. The cover depicts Matthew Hopkins as the Witch finder General surrounded my witches and familiars.
Reposted by RMZ

Morning all, it’s the nearly the weekend once again. I’ve just learned that today is Avril Lavigne’s 40th birthday (argh I’m old) So today’s theme is…complicated. Let’s see your art and as usual I’ll repost the lot. #Nerdlings#FindFolkFriday

A chameleon skink with blow pipe sits on a branch. It’s painted with UV paints so the scales on its back glow pink and green. The vegetation on the base glows blue and pink too

The window sill is still the favourite place … Warm fur, toe beans and claws. #ProofOfCat#Caturday

A close up of a black cat , fast asleep on a sunny window cill, partially hidden behind a curtain. Toe beans and claws.

Time for a brew and a Tunnock’s… #Tunnocks#Tea

An afternoon break. 

Photo of a mug of tea, with an Tunnock’s “Caramel Log” in orangey red wrapper, on a work bench. Various part painted miniatures and bottles of paint form the back drop. 

Taking it easy whilst the storm rages overhead ⚡️🌨️⚡️
Reposted by RMZ

Something a little different this time. I used to be a make-up artist for theatre and fashion shows, photoshoots, and even Miss UK. I did hair and make-up, and sometimes costuming and prop making, too. Here are two prep sketches and their respective photos. #Nerdlings#FindFolkFriday


New miniatures rule set arrived yesterday to play with. “Devilry Afoot: A folk horror monster-hunting handbook for tabletop skirmishes” More info here painted and on the table

Devilry Afoot
Devilry Afoot

Devilry Afoot (2024) is a folk horror monster-hunting  handbook for tabletop skirmishes. Set during the 16th and 17th century Wars of Relig...

Reposted by RMZ

10 million bluesky users? I’m sure one of you would like to commission me to paint some miniatures for you.


Bluesky now has over 10 million users, and I was #684,640. It’s been a year and it’s great fun being here!

A black and white cat sat in a blue/grey painted timber planter.
Reposted by RMZ

Since images tend to do better everywhere on the internet, here's one of the maps available in this pack. I also have commission slots open for maps in this style with a very quick turnaround, so if you have an adventure in need of cartography, hit me up!

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Dead Man’s Hand, Rebels and Patriots, Musket and Tomahawks, Frostgrave, Rangers of Shadowdeep and board-game player. More than a passing interest in historic buildings and landscape. Occasional wildlife phots … when it stands still long enough.
367 followers347 following815 posts