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Robin Heinen
Father of two | Husband | Dr / PhD | Ecologist | Research Associate @ TUM | Insects, plants and microbes | Senior Editor @ Annals of Applied Biology & Associate Editor @ Functional Ecology | Reptile enthusiast | (Long)Covid cautious
296 followers710 following928 posts

My 5 yo son and I were recently threatened by an angry guy in a big BMW in Germany. We were walking on a sidewalk that crossed his direction - into a supermarket parking lot. He literally shouted he would run us over if we didn't run. 'Inconveniences should die' is the new normal in this world.


Inconveniences should end up in prison is a similar sentiment. People have no clue anymore what it means that they're actually saying. A jail sentence for every time you inconvenience someone quite easily adds up. But own behavior is rarely questioned...

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Robin Heinen
Father of two | Husband | Dr / PhD | Ecologist | Research Associate @ TUM | Insects, plants and microbes | Senior Editor @ Annals of Applied Biology & Associate Editor @ Functional Ecology | Reptile enthusiast | (Long)Covid cautious
296 followers710 following928 posts