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Robin Johnson
Interactive fiction/gamedev/writer, open to work 🎙️ Producer/co-writer/HPL in Midnight Pals podcast 🏆 IFComp, Xyzzys 👨‍💻 XP: Gute Fabrik, Kythera 👾 🌈ADHAu, covid-marginalised, he/him
525 followers1.1k following990 posts

From Boris Johnson's memoirs: "I'm very sorry I made so many bad apologies. If it helps, they were all insincere." (image reposted because round 'ere we use alt text)

Reposted by Robin Johnson

"Alien" is considered a horror movie because its premise is "What if unwanted pregnancies could happen to men?"

Reposted by Robin Johnson

Changing the name of what you call self-care won’t help you or anyone else, but overcoming the puritanical myth of laziness will. You’re not being lazy, you either need inspiration, motivation or rest. And then extend that compassion to others.

Reposted by Robin Johnson

It’s really awful that if you’re a woman in the game industry, a dev or actor or anything, you’ll get harassed at some point in your career. It’s happened to every woman I know in this industry, me included. It’s just a thing we are expected to deal with, suffer through quietly, and never react to.


not sure what to think about the fact they straight-up did "When I say Khazad, you say DĂťm!" as a battle cry #ringsofpower

Prince Durin (Owain Arthur) from The Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power, a sturdy dwarf with a red plaited beard and a huge pickaxe carried over his shoulder
Reposted by Robin Johnson

also, people are always "YOUR CAT WOULD EAT YOU BUT YOUR DOG WOULDN'T." yeah i believe that the animal that eats its own shit wouldn't eat more corpse but the animal that would rather starve than tolerate a slightly different kibble brand would

Reposted by Robin Johnson

*taps on the sign*

The image contains a text conversation where a user named "stimmyabby" talks about how people use the word "respect" differently. The post discusses how some people define respect as "treating someone like a person," while others define it as "treating someone like an authority."

The conversation continues by explaining that sometimes people in positions of authority say, "If you won't respect me, I won't respect you," meaning, "If you don't treat me like an authority, I won't treat you like a person." The post concludes by stating that those people think they are being fair, but they are not, and it is not okay.

Another user, "do-as-youre-told," replies, saying, "This is so well put I am stunned."

The post is from November 16th, 2016, with over 727,000 notes.
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Robin Johnson
Interactive fiction/gamedev/writer, open to work 🎙️ Producer/co-writer/HPL in Midnight Pals podcast 🏆 IFComp, Xyzzys 👨‍💻 XP: Gute Fabrik, Kythera 👾 🌈ADHAu, covid-marginalised, he/him
525 followers1.1k following990 posts