Raccoon - Fedi:
Punk rock musician, anti-authoritarian activist, a small business consultant, programming professor, AI-Sarety advocate, now disabled from post-COVID Syndrome. Find me on Mastodon at... Pro - TechHub.Social/@Raccoon Art - Writing.Exchange/@Raccoon
6 followers4 following58 posts

Yeah it's very frustrating to pour so much time into a project like Fediverse and see people who somehow completely didn't get it write these confused complaints about it. Maybe (assuming BlueSky actually opens the protocol) they'll pick stuff up by talking to people from Fedi when its bridged.


Yeah I really don't know what is going on here, when I keep reading people complaining that Mastodon doesn't have feature that are like, the main point of Fediverse. Maybe they prefer billionaires to nonprofits, but I'm thinking it's more likely they joined before streamlining and got confused.


When was the last time you tried this? Because they've been streamlining it, and I have found that it gets easier to find posts on topics as you follow more people who post about them...


I mean, if it doesn't work out well, Fedi will still be there. Has been for years now, and even though there have been temporary spikes and activity whenever Elon does his "stable genius" thing, there's steady growth with no sign of it slowing.


Why not to Mastodon? It's a pretty large and diverse network. What are you looking for, and what kind of trouble did you have finding it there?


That's why most Fediverse servers already block Threads. Either way, Fedi has been around for over a decade, Mastodon for over half a decade... Pretty sure that's always going to be the best alternative, even if people don't immediately recognize it.


Even then, most mod teams on mainstream Fedi don't block a server unless we think that server's admins promote harassment. I'm wondering if the people saying this here either had it explained poorly or were on Mastodon.Art, where the admin blocks a lot of servers and acts like its normal...


Definitely annoying, sorry they did that to you. The one big issue Fediverse has is that your first server is never the best. Yeah, you can move servers once you've done the research, but it'd be better if we found a way to make choosing one easier... What server were you on, Dr. Napaaqtuk?


I mean... You can always still use Mastodon, or any other Fediverse server: we've been building an alternative to corporate networks like this one for over a decade, and we're going to keep doing that, no matter what shiny things billionaires dangle in front of us. Have you considered crossposting?


...what server were you on? If I'm catching your euphemism right, most Mod teams go out of our way to block "immigration understanders" so they can't bug you...

Raccoon - Fedi:
Punk rock musician, anti-authoritarian activist, a small business consultant, programming professor, AI-Sarety advocate, now disabled from post-COVID Syndrome. Find me on Mastodon at... Pro - TechHub.Social/@Raccoon Art - Writing.Exchange/@Raccoon
6 followers4 following58 posts