147 followers423 following452 posts

Research on Gnosticism. Gnosticism was a parallel religion created alongside Christianity, by the same royal Roman authors. The reason? To provide a literary mechanism for rebuttal & refutation; an excuse to advertise & promote Christianity. The Gnostic Illusion

The Gnostic Illusion
The Gnostic Illusion

My research shows that Gnosticism was a parallel religion created along with Christianity by the very same royal authors of Christianity. They did this, as with other versions of Christianity, for the...


The only way that I was able to make the progress that I have regarding the study of ancient history is having discovered royal authors were using their own language within language, the Royal Language. Others will have to learn that as well.

A Few Words About The Royal Language
A Few Words About The Royal Language

Years ago, about 1990, I discovered 'The Royal Language'. The Royal Language, was a language within language that was used by royalty in their writings. And the only people who were writing, w...

147 followers423 following452 posts