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Ronit Aviva Dancis
Trains, šŸš, cities, plazas, ā˜•ļø, beer, bikes, šŸ›“ walking. (She / her )
260 followers104 following1.4k posts
Reposted by Ronit Aviva Dancis

If you're like I'm not in a high risk zone why do I need it? Well 40% of homes that get flooded are not in high risk zones. And climate change is making shit more chaotic. The past is not a prologue.

Reposted by Ronit Aviva Dancis

Three people I know personally (of about 20 that I pestered to do it) who checked their registration were suspended. Check, and pass it on.


But the filibuster is an important traditional norm going back to when Ben Franklin flew a kite in a lightning storm --

Reposted by Ronit Aviva Dancis

I was just saying this on my podcast; if you plan on donating this election you need to do so now. The closer we get to voting the less usable your money is. Give your $ directly to grassroots PoC orgs talking to voters in swing states. Hereā€™s a vetted list

Movement Voter Project
Movement Voter Project

Organizing works. MVP funds progressive local organizing to win elections and transform policy.

Reposted by Ronit Aviva Dancis

ā€œClosing this station is a way for the city to say who they want here without having to say it. Working-class people, underprivileged people, they make a city what it is. They use this station. If you close it, it cuts out a certain group of people from coming to the city.ā€ ā€“Jenna

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Ronit Aviva Dancis
Trains, šŸš, cities, plazas, ā˜•ļø, beer, bikes, šŸ›“ walking. (She / her )
260 followers104 following1.4k posts