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Ruby Gold
36 🇩🇪🇬🇧🇧🇷 - Good Omens Fanart + M rated GO roleplay - Any pronouns - This is a gender free zone 🖤🤍💚🤍🖤 Can't be neurotypical because No WILL DEFEND AZIRAPHALE UNTIL THE END OF TIME AND THROUGHOUT ALL OF ETERNITY!
200 followers208 following862 posts

Tie, Toast & Tranquility I finally made a companion piece to "Socks, Sips and Serenity" (2nd photo) because Crowley's cake deserves to be pressed against the starry picnic blanket too! #ineffablehusbands#goodomens#aziracrow

A digital drawing of Crowley sitting on a star constellation picnic blanket in a park, only "dressed" in his silver neck tie. Next to him is a half emptied Whiskey tumblr and his clothes and shoes, all carelessly piled together.
Aziraphale, dressed only with Tartan socks held up by sock garters, sitting on a constellation themed picnic blanket, surrounded by brass and trees. He's looking into the distance and lazily holds a half-full Whiskey Tumbler in his hand. His clothes are neatly folded in front of him and a wicker basket filled goodies is placed next to him.

⚠️Mild NSFW⚠️ A Patreon requested our Ineffables right after some good ol’ dimension-distorting praying with the knees up. In this house we believe in Top!Aziraphale supremacy but that doesn’t mean Crowley can’t occasionally take on the role of service top #ineffablehusbands#goodomens#aziracrow

A digital drawing depicting Aziraphale and Crowley blissed out and intimately lying together on top of bed sheets. Aziraphale lies on his back and has his left hand linked with Crowley’s right one, who lies on top of him.

Bluesky now has over 10 million users, and I was #1,404,086!

A virtual certificate with text "Celebrating 10M users on Bluesky, #1,404,086, Ruby Gold ‪‬, joined on Oct 8, 2023"

Aziraphale must have told Crowley something absolutely hilarious, like when he brought all vuvuzelas to Heaven to give him some quiet reading time on Earth... #ineffablehusbands#goodomens#aziracrow#ResumeGoodOmens

Digital water colour drawing g of Aziraphale and Crowley, carefree and laughing. Aziraphale's hand rests on Crowley's shoulder.
C: Vuvuzelas! Really, angel?

A: Well, yes! They were absolutely intolerable during my reading time.

C: But to send them all to Heaven, parading them as the 'far superior' addition to Michael's trumpeting ensemble? That's downright diabolical!

A: Sometimes one has to resort to more ‘unconventional’ methods for a bit of peace and quiet.

C: Ah, so it's not just for the sake of humanity, but for your own satisfaction!

A: It's for the greater good of all beings who value tranquility. Including myself, of course.

C *snorts*: 'course!

The Ineffables are getting ready for their first autumn in the South Downs Cottage, and Crowley is probably regretting his decision to take charge of the garden... #ineffablehusbands#goodomens#aziracrow

First Panel: Close up Aziraphale looking up a tree, clearly in delight and with with sparkly eyes, and saying "Look Darling. Autumn is finally here. There isn't a single leaf in the trees."
Panel 2: Closeup Crowley's face, portraying his usually peachy demeanor. He stands with his back towards Aziraphale, who's still admiring the trees, and is giving him a bombastic side eye, saying "Yeah..."
Panel 3: zoomed out view. On the left Aziraphale is delighted in looking at the leafless tree while Crowley takes together several Everest size mountains of leaves, high enough to cover the entire cottage and says "I can see that..."

🍎 Apple of my heart 🍎 An apple tree that carries only a single apple? Highly unlikely. Just before Adam and Eve took a bite, an angel and a demon gave the forbidden fruit a shot. #ineffablehusbands#goodomens#aziracrow

Crowley and Aziraphale lying on the grass in the Garden of Eden. Aziraphale lies on his belly and has his head propped up.on his hands while Crowley lounges on his back, gently touching Aziraphale with the back of his hand. Aziraphale's wing covers Crowley and shields him from the sun. In front of them is an apple core.

I made some Ineffables cards which I gave out as freebies during TIC5 and thought you might enjoy them. #ineffablehusbands#goodomens#aziracrow#ineffablecards

Crowley sprawling on a bench. A duck sits next to him, quacking at him. The text says “Even my pet finds me depressing.”
Aziraphale holding a wine bottle and raising a full wine glass, smiling. The text says “I know the perfect wine that pairs wonderfully with you sitting back and watching my descent into inebriation.”
1862 Ineffables as seen in the show - feeding the ducks at St. James’ park. Crowley hands over a note to Aziraphale. The text says “I’d like your permission to slightly exaggerate our friendship.”
1941 Ineffables - Aziraphale dressed as the Amazing Mr. Fell. They sit on the canapé in the changing room of the theatre. Aziraphale reveals the polaroid that he tricked off of Furfur to Crowley. The text says “I believe we are both in agreement that the events of last night, while undoubtedly a mistake, deserve of a reprisal at the earliest convenience.”

Just a loving look. That's all, that's the post 😇❤️😈 #aziraphale#crowley#ineffablehusbands#goodomens#goodomensfanart#aziracrow

Crowley and Aziraphale very close together,  looking lovingly at each other, in front of a green hues background with a blossoming tree branch.

When you're married to a hopeless romantic and you ask if they'd prefer something silly or soft for today's post, well, this is what you get. #ineffablehusbands#goodomens#aziracrow

Drawing of Aziraphale and Crowley kissing tenderly in front of a soft yellowish orange background
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Ruby Gold
36 🇩🇪🇬🇧🇧🇷 - Good Omens Fanart + M rated GO roleplay - Any pronouns - This is a gender free zone 🖤🤍💚🤍🖤 Can't be neurotypical because No WILL DEFEND AZIRAPHALE UNTIL THE END OF TIME AND THROUGHOUT ALL OF ETERNITY!
200 followers208 following862 posts