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Metatron & Ruth-M.R.A.S.
This is bigger than all of us. We are here. Loving Good teamwork. M's a Good teacher. I'm an ok Tutor. We bring Truths a few bad men withheld, for excessive selfishness. I'm The Busy Holy Spirit Interpreter, places of worship need..yet fear.🤷🏼‍♀️..
47 followers48 following506 posts

What is True of me? I am finally able to tell well. What is True of you? Are you finally able to reveal? In braille, sign, or writing words? Unable to speak the jumbled? Bc bombs, guns, fists, & hatred's other devious poisonous weapons. Jumbling your abilities? #writingprompts


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Metatron & Ruth-M.R.A.S.
This is bigger than all of us. We are here. Loving Good teamwork. M's a Good teacher. I'm an ok Tutor. We bring Truths a few bad men withheld, for excessive selfishness. I'm The Busy Holy Spirit Interpreter, places of worship need..yet fear.🤷🏼‍♀️..
47 followers48 following506 posts