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❀°。der SiebenschlĂ€fer *.ïŸŸâœż ⋆
30-something Jewish đŸ‡ș🇾 🇩đŸ‡č dual-citizen biologist patent lawyer who grew up in South Jersey, Delaware, and Geneva 🇹🇭. Now in Northern Virginia
1.3k followers653 following9.8k posts

Every poster billionaire says something daily that I’d overhear on the school bus in 5th grade and think “that kid’s dumb”


Anyway here’s a video of an MRI’s magnetic field exerting 1900 lbs force on a chair a few feet away from the field generator 😳

How dangerous are magnetic items near an MRI magnet?
How dangerous are magnetic items near an MRI magnet?

YouTube video by practiCal fMRI


(To be clear though: the judge is a shithead)

Judge Christopher Hehir's sentencing of the cop who raped a drunk woman in his car was overturned by the court of appeal who described the man's actions as "sickening abuse of his position".
Hehir wanted mercy for the rapist cop.
During Longmate's sentencing at Southwark Crown Court, Judge Christopher Hehir said his actions amounted to a "very grave betrayal of trust" and had left the woman "humiliated", but said he did not want to send him to jail "to bring this sad and sorry tale to its end with a final act of mercy".
Following the Court of Appeal's decision to jail Longmate, Mr Courts said the former officer's "abuse of his position for sexual gain was sickening".
"[His] extended sentence sends a clear message that there are serious consequences for those who carry out misconduct in a public office," he said.

Love the mode of argument that requires people to suspend obvious things they have understood about the world since they were 2 years old, like “intentional acts are different from accidents, and people treat them differently”


Yeesh. This isn’t an opinion piece, this is straight reporting from the Istanbul bureau chief, and it’s not just the headline editor, this “knockout” framing is in the body of the article It’s just 2002–03 forever


Israel has pursued this strategy before with the PLO, which had the effect one would predict (international condemnation & isolation, and PLO soon after supplanted on radical flank by Hamas)

Operation Wooden Leg - Wikipedia
Operation Wooden Leg - Wikipedia


candidly I’m not sure to what extent that’s a “this judge is a shithead” thing or to what extent that’s an “English law has a stupid legal definition of violence” thing


I dunno we all understand the difference between severe traffic congestion and a 5-consecutive-day complete blockage Of course the prosecution & court are picking the most severe anecdotes, but it was foreseeable that kids would miss school and some patient would lose hospital access

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❀°。der SiebenschlĂ€fer *.ïŸŸâœż ⋆
30-something Jewish đŸ‡ș🇾 🇩đŸ‡č dual-citizen biologist patent lawyer who grew up in South Jersey, Delaware, and Geneva 🇹🇭. Now in Northern Virginia
1.3k followers653 following9.8k posts