Mostly quiet. Wrote some things with . Non-binary trans woman, a little genderfluid. Chronically ill & disabled. Polyamorous, bi lesbian and social justice commoner. I had a different name on the bird app.
164 followers217 following11 posts
Reposted by Sagadatter

i’m in a bdsm library and i found a book called “the lesbian s/m safety manual” and i *cannot* get over the phrasing of “bottom’s disease”. if this sounds relatable and you feel called out - good, frankly. 😘

There is a perception in some parts of our community that there are more bottoms than tops, and that bottoms are not quite as important or valued as tops. This creates a feeling of sexual scarcity that may lead a bottom to make unwise choices about who she plays with and to fixate upon any top who seems even marginally available--whether or not she is compatible with her. This attitude is known as "bottom's disease," and it is very unattractive. Going home with another bottom or going home to be your own top is always better than going home with a top who is unsafe, does not enjoy doing the things you like, or is not really attracted to you.
A top is not a public utility and should not be treated as if she were obligated to provide entertainment (or lifetime commitment) to any bottom who feels needy.

Like, we go into a lot of specifics (and you'll find a lot of fun monsters and flavour story imo), but try to leave enough undefined to have room for, say, an isekai'd massage specialist cat.


Yeah, I've listened to actual plays and podcasts like yours and definitely taken some notes for revision if we ever decide to go back and update the document. In general, Ald-Amura is a setting where there's a lot of broad strokes and implied weirdness to encourage play groups to make it their own.

Reposted by Sagadatter

We didn't have free school lunches when I was a kid. When I heard about it, my first thought was "I didn't have lunch when I was a kid & I was fine." Then I remembered that I compulsively overeat because I am subconsciously terrified I won't find food again. Anyways, kids should get free lunches.

Reposted by Sagadatter

It would really mean a lot to finish this out and be able to start on groceries and my kids birthdays in two weeks. I can’t go shopping irl and have to order anything online because I live far from most stores. I’ve been begging for weeks to finish this please anything helps from a boost to even $5


Coming at this a bit late, but I was revisiting the podcast and actually sitting down to listen, and as one of the writers, I'd like to note that while it's not explicitly stated, we never put any limitations on what characters could play as, and frankly, I'm entirely enamoured with Wolf the Cat.

Reposted by Sagadatter

Hey, loyal listeners! Have you heard of Ald-Amura? No? Now you have! Come to a land of monsters big and small, and hear the stories of their caretakers! Especially about this cat who just showed up one day, as we make a cat in Monster Care Squad by!

How to Make a Literal Cat in Monster Care Squad
Reposted by Sagadatter

Linus from Peanuts saying, "If it can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed by the truth."
Reposted by Sagadatter

A picture of a cat giving another cat a ride in a car that it’s driving and wearing sunglasses with a caption that reads “play with her boobs not her feelings”
Reposted by Sagadatter

What if i told you anne frank had white privilege, making chili for your neighbor is ableist, kiwifirms kinda Good, Actually, using a sun emoji to honor a dead arab trans woman she helped kill is actually nazi shit, kairi=derek chauvin and like six other cursed discourses was all the same person

Mostly quiet. Wrote some things with . Non-binary trans woman, a little genderfluid. Chronically ill & disabled. Polyamorous, bi lesbian and social justice commoner. I had a different name on the bird app.
164 followers217 following11 posts