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They took me out of the EU so I ran off to the foothills of the Pyrenees. Love outdoor pursuits but getting to an age where I hurt myself rather too much. Keep trying though. Watching UK being destroyed by tories is heartbreaking. I want back in the #EU 🌴
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Of course. But the point is, they may as well have left things as they were - thus ensuring they scooped up everyone- because we know a lot of people needing this aid fall just outside of the criteria. So their bold move was pointless if it saves practically nothing anyway - while some still suffer.


Have you seen this YouTube channel? This guy Rocky Kanaka runs Sitting with Dogs in his shelter and I love watching it. I’ve never ever had a dog ! Maybe something like this would work with cats too?

Rocky Kanaka
Rocky Kanaka

Rocky Kanaka Sitting with Dogs highlights some of the best shelter dogs in the world that just need their story told. It doesn't matter if it's a shut down dog, dog that needs to be told they are a go...

Reposted by SallyinFrance

Also in the context of the Harris-Walz Campaign clearly stating policy goals in a series of speeches, interviews, articles and websites while the trump-Vance Campaign literally has nothing. In fact, both Republican candidates busy spreading lies and stirring up conflict. It’s offensive.

Reposted by SallyinFrance

This is in the context of her opponent saying “I have the concept of a plan” when asked what his health care plan is that he’s had ten years to flesh out. It’s just idiotic.


This feels huge to me and I would love to see MLP off the scene. But she’ll only be replaced by that petulant young twat Bardella, despite what it says at the end of the article, so the trend won’t change. But it will none the less be juicy watching it.


I thought that was known from the outset. Looks like they have made themselves supremely unpopular for nothing.


Pretty meaningless in the modern world - but then the Times belongs to the strong British sector that upholds monarchy and class hierarchy at all costs, so they won’t be abandoning it any time soon. Stuck in a rut until they do.


Very complex and a big problem. I live in a village in France with zero public transport - a common situation- and it is hellishly difficult for both young and old. I have always thought that a system of circulating mini buses - as they have in Indonesia - would be a great answer. But so unBritish.


Good news.


Oh well wow. I’m sure Israel will grovellingly comply.

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They took me out of the EU so I ran off to the foothills of the Pyrenees. Love outdoor pursuits but getting to an age where I hurt myself rather too much. Keep trying though. Watching UK being destroyed by tories is heartbreaking. I want back in the #EU 🌴
1.1k followers1.3k following3.1k posts