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Chuck Taggart, Private Eye
I enjoy cocktails, French fries, and science fiction. 🏳️‍🌈 He/him. Trekkie. Former KCRW & KCSN radio host/DJ, from New Orleans.
950 followers1.3k following8.5k posts

If John & Paul outlive me I’m going to leave instructions to hire them to sing this at my second line. A modern classic of New Orleans written by John Boutté & Paul Sanchez.

John BouttĂŠ [2001] - At The Foot Of Canal Street
John BouttĂŠ [2001] - At The Foot Of Canal Street

YouTube video by jose roberto ferreira machado


One of my favorite bands, and also impossible to pick just one, but oh well. This one filled a dance floor instantly at a radio station fundraiser right after the dance music DJ’s shift ended, and he had had maybe 4 people on the dance floor. 😁 Le pouvoir de la musique cadien, mon ami!

LaDanse De La Vie (The Dance of Life)
LaDanse De La Vie (The Dance of Life)

YouTube video by BeauSoleil - Topic


One of my favorites as well! Two of the greatest musical experiences of my life were with Cordelia’s Dad. They did a live-to-tape acoustic & electric performance on my old KCRW radio show, and I also sang shape note music with them. Great people.


Swedish traditional band Väsen’s guitarist Roger Tallroth wrote this tune for his niece’s baptism. It was also covered by the Irish traditional band Dervish. It’s one of the most beautiful tunes I’ve ever heard, and I almost chose it for our wedding.

Josefins dopvals
Josefins dopvals

YouTube video by Vässen - Topic


Relieved to see that I was not automatically opted in.

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Reposted by Chuck Taggart, Private Eye

PayPal is updating their ToS to let themselves give your data to merchants starting in November and they're certainly banking on people not knowing to opt out, SO to opt out before they start: go to Settings > Data & Privacy > Manage shared info > Personalized shopping, and toggle that shit off

Screenshot of PayPal's Terms of Service update, outlining their "personalized shopping" feature where they allow themselves the right to give info about you to other companies
Reposted by Chuck Taggart, Private Eye

The interview is, by the way, promoting her latest book, on writing, which is published with Worthy Books, the Christian/inspirational publishing arm of Hachette. I know not all Christians are transphobes, but in general, in US evangelicalism, the burden of proof rests on the ones who *aren't*.

Reposted by Chuck Taggart, Private Eye

The chances of an author with Yu's profile being so desperate for publicity that they sit down for a long interview with CT without knowing the publication are about as low as CT spending the resources on a spotlight interview with an author who isn't explicitly in line with their project.

Reposted by Chuck Taggart, Private Eye

Here's the headline. "The perils of moving with the majority". Actually, let me back up: the venue is Christianity Today. For those of you who are not familiar, it was founded by Billy Graham. It is a nonprofit, and explicitly self-presents as a form of evangelical ministry.

A Writer’s Creative Calling Isn’t Found in the Middle of a Crowd
Award-winning author E. Lily Yu speaks about her faith, her deep love of language, and the perils of “moving with the majority.”

A 19th Century American folk song about fucking.

Spencer Rifle
Spencer Rifle

YouTube video by Cordelia's Dad - Topic

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Chuck Taggart, Private Eye
I enjoy cocktails, French fries, and science fiction. 🏳️‍🌈 He/him. Trekkie. Former KCRW & KCSN radio host/DJ, from New Orleans.
950 followers1.3k following8.5k posts