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Science Actually
I love science because science! I love talking to people about science even if they didn't want to talk about science because science is so sciency. Started on and now I'm everywhere - you know, because science is everywhere!
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Coral bleaching occurs when corals expel the symbiotic algae living in their tissues, causing the corals to turn white or "bleach" - usually due to rising sea temperatures, but also from pollution, overexposure to sunlight, or changes in water quality. #science#sciencefacts#coralbleaching

Coral bleaching occurs when corals expel the symbiotic algae living in their tissues, causing the corals to turn white or "bleach" - usually due to rising sea temperatures, but also from pollution, overexposure to sunlight, or changes in water quality.

#science #sciencefacts #coralbleaching #coralbleachingawareness

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Science Actually
I love science because science! I love talking to people about science even if they didn't want to talk about science because science is so sciency. Started on and now I'm everywhere - you know, because science is everywhere!
165 followers37 following514 posts