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Scott Reid
Seabirds, Birding & Rockpooling from the magical Isles of Scilly 🏝️ Seabird Feed: #seabirds 🦀
481 followers216 following32 posts

The inaugural Challenger Expedition to British waters on the continental shelf edge was a resounding success! We recorded 24 species of seabird inc. the discovery of 2+ Madeiran storm-petrel, 4 barolo shearwater, 1 fea’s-type petrel, & 192 Wilson’s storm-petrel #seabirds More updates to follow…

Band-rumped (Madeiran) storm-petrel. Photo by Jake Everitt. 10 Sep 2024.
Fea’s-type petrel. 11 Sep 2024.
Wilson’s storm-petrel. 11 Sep 2024.

Plus lots of #CoimbraSeabirds posts on the feed


Hey Steve, I’ve just checked at it seems fine. Picking up posts in the past hour or two, including yours…


Scilly’s first gull-billed tern in 24 yrs spent y’day afternoon feeding along the tideline of Porthcressa Beach for a crowd of appreciative observers. Absolute Scilly gold & the first ‘gettable’ record for the islands, with all previous birds being ‘one-dayers’! #RareBirdsUK#ukbirding


Due to a late cancellation I have a space available on our British pelagic expedition to the continental shelf edge 8th-17th September from Falmouth. £1600. A pioneering expedition with huge potential for rare seabirds & cetaceans. for more info or to register interest


A beautiful patch of star ascidian (Botryllus schlosseri) in Porthcressa Bay, Isles of Scilly, over low tide today. A colonial tunicate, each individual zooid has its own inlet siphon, but all share an outlet siphon at the centre of each ‘star’! ⭐️ Intricately stunning! #MarineLife#UKwildlife


It was a special pelagic trip out of Scilly on Sunday where cetaceans took centre stage over birds. At least two fin whales (1st photo), minke whale, Risso’s dolphin (2nd photo), & dozens of common dolphins put on a superb display for all aboard the MV Sapphire 🌊⛴️🐋 #MarineLife#UKwildlife


Our 3rd south polar skua of the Scilly Pelagics season, a dark moulting 2nd cycle bird, offered better & more prolonged views than the previous few records. In addition 1500+ great shears, 6 Wilson’s & a smattering of Cory’s & sooty shears, set the tone for the weekend ahead 🌊 #seabirds#UKBirding


There’s far better photos from folk stood at the stern but last night we enjoyed a brief encounter with Scilly Pelagics 5th (my 4th) South Polar Skua in a little over 12 months. A dark 2c+ individual with a moult score of c20, ticking all the boxes on supporting features. A classic SPSK 🌊 #seabirds

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Scott Reid
Seabirds, Birding & Rockpooling from the magical Isles of Scilly 🏝️ Seabird Feed: #seabirds 🦀
481 followers216 following32 posts