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Scribbler Pen
Writer, editor, analyst. Work rights advocate at Long Covid Support Trade union disability rep. Arts, science and languages nerd, internationalist, hiker, nature lover. Could really do without Long Covid
645 followers1.2k following295 posts

That's genuinely horrifying.


Deservedly. Disabled people in particular get portrayed as benefit fraudsters, even though disability benefit fraud is almost zero. £23bn/yr of benefits goes unclaimed because of barriers and stigma. The PM could've tried to tackle that, and to close tax loopholes. He doubled down on stigma instead.


Also Scotland has some of the best Long Covid researchers and clinicians in the country. It ought to listen to them and let them inform its own prevention and healthcare policy, wish they could also inform the UK's as a whole. Amen.


The article does. But from speaking to colleagues in Scotland, Wales and N. Ireland, when it comes to Covid prevention it's not much better there, and the UKHSA is nationwide. So not erasing, recognising. They can and they should take better advantage of devolved healthcare and do more than England.


One day someone will explain to me why a school has the resources to send out attendance officers, in pairs, to the home of a pupil isolating with Covid to try to intimidate parents into sending them in - but not to put in HEPA filters in classrooms so fewer pupils catch Covid and miss school.


DWP's crackdown on fraud "could see millions deprived of the presumption of innocence". Keir Starmer Rachel Reeves talk of a £22bn "black hole". But £23bn (!) in benefits go unclaimed by people who can't/fear to access the help they are entitled to.

DWP's crackdown on benefit fraud risks 'criminalising' innocent claimants
DWP's crackdown on benefit fraud risks 'criminalising' innocent claimants

Keir Starmer has said he plans to legislate against benefit fraud, but charities say there are much bigger problems in the DWP.


Warning: this is extremely distressing. Testimony of UCLH Prof Kevin Fong on visiting hospitals at the height of the Covid pandemic, where nurses worked extreme non-stop shifts, running out of body bags. This should never happen again.

Covid was like a daily terror attack, doctor tells inquiry
Covid was like a daily terror attack, doctor tells inquiry

Covid inquiry hears harrowing testimony from ex-adviser in emergency preparedness at NHS England.

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Scribbler Pen
Writer, editor, analyst. Work rights advocate at Long Covid Support Trade union disability rep. Arts, science and languages nerd, internationalist, hiker, nature lover. Could really do without Long Covid
645 followers1.2k following295 posts