Seanan McGuire
I write books and post too many cat pictures. She/her, only.
10.1k followers271 following2.1k posts

Second fun leech story of the week: During a panel at San Diego Comic-Con several years ago, I casually mentioned going wading in the local leech pond to collect leeches for my axolotl.

Reposted by Seanan McGuire

lies are hard to make up. you have to be consistent, and believable, and ensure that the audience is held engaged in the alternate reality you create and that's fucking exhausting. true stories are where the real weird shit happens, 'cuz reality has no obligations towards suspension of disbelief.

Reposted by Seanan McGuire

Yeah I am not pressing the button for assistance and then waiting like 10 minutes for the lone Walgreen's employee to shuffle to the aisle so I can ask them to please unlock the Embarrassing Personal Hygiene Products case so I can buy a tube of Your Body Is Gross ointment.

Reposted by Seanan McGuire

The indirect benefits of free lunches

Screenshot of a tweet taken from yet another social network but summarize that it is a note to summarize a quote of a quote here a paper from the National Bureau of economic research showing a result that free lunch programs reduce the amount that parents spend at grocery stores which makes grocery stores cut their prices because demand is down and so everyone in the area gets lower grocery prices
Reposted by Seanan McGuire


Hello, new people! My name is Seanan; I write books, comics, and tie-in fiction. Before I became a professional author, I went to college, and in college, I was a bio major (herpetology). I also did years of animal rescue. I do not tell lies for free: my animal stories are always true.

Reposted by Seanan McGuire

A small reminder that will do no good but might make me feel better: I get paid to tell lies. I do not get paid to use Bluesky. If I am telling funny animal stories, they are 100% true, even when told in a humorous way. You want lies? PAY ME.


I love that has unlocked all my funny terrestrial leech stories. There are so many.


I knew a biologist--still do technically, she's not dead--who went on a field expedition and came home with a NASTY code. No symptoms but absolutely DEVASTATING congestion. She was talking like a plugged-up cartoon character for months. Nothing helped.

Seanan McGuire
I write books and post too many cat pictures. She/her, only.
10.1k followers271 following2.1k posts