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SE Gyges
Como todos los hombres de Babilonia, he sido procónsul; como todos, esclavo; también he conocido la omnipotencia, el oprobio, las cárceles.
33 followers120 following395 posts

part of the pro-openai case is that, in general, and including in a research context where people are doing things that are quite difficult and quantifying them fairly well, "the biggest possible model, applied bluntly to this specific task" almost always beats specialized/cleverer/smaller


if this weren't the case things would be a lot less centralized; the fact that "a giant budget for a huge gpu cluster" REALLY IS a definitive advantage most of the time has seriously narrowed how many parties can do cutting-edge research and caused a lot of it to be held privately for profit

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SE Gyges
Como todos los hombres de Babilonia, he sido procónsul; como todos, esclavo; también he conocido la omnipotencia, el oprobio, las cárceles.
33 followers120 following395 posts