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Sensory Ecology Lab
Dr. Daniel Pessoa Professor of Animal Behavior and Physiology at Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Brazil. Interested in Animal Communication and Sensory Ecology.
244 followers45 following232 posts
Reposted by Sensory Ecology Lab

In the inner ear, we have very specialized cells called hair cells. The synapses that connect them are very sensitive to noise and can be destroyed by noise exposure. Scientists are working to learn how to reconnect them.

Why Is Tinnitus So Hard To Understand And Treat?
Why Is Tinnitus So Hard To Understand And Treat?

Medical researchers are working to better understand—and hopefully mute—tinnitus, a persistent “ringing in the ears.”


“Like architects behind the world’s great opera houses, male great bowerbirds build twiggy concert venues that amplify their raucous songs and make sure each note is pitch perfect to woo discerning females…” 🧪

Male bowerbirds build acoustics into their love shrines
Male bowerbirds build acoustics into their love shrines

Experiments suggest bowers amplify males’ songs and tweak their frequencies to woo females attending their show


“It’s a bird! It’s a crab! No, it’s a fish that can taste with its legs. Some sea robins, a group of fishes with two winglike fins and six crablike legs, use their legs to dig in sand and find buried prey with a sense much like taste…” 🧪 🦑 🐠

This fish has legs — and it uses them for more than just walking
This fish has legs — and it uses them for more than just walking

Some sea robins have taste buds on their six crablike legs that help the fish ferret out prey buried in sand as they walk.


“The human brain is constantly picking up patterns in everyday experiences — and can do so without conscious thought, finds a study1 of neuronal activity in people who had electrodes implanted in their brain tissue for medical reasons.” 🧪

How your brain detects patterns in the everyday: without conscious thought
How your brain detects patterns in the everyday: without conscious thought

Neurons in certain brain areas integrate ‘what’ and ‘when’ information to discern hidden order in events in real time. Neurons in certain brain areas integrate ‘what’ and ‘when’ information to discern...


“Both types of glyphs depict different things. The relief-type glyphs mostly depict humans and domesticated animals, while the line-type glyphs mostly depict wild animals.” 🧪

Hundreds of Mysterious Nazca Glyphs Have Just Been Revealed
Hundreds of Mysterious Nazca Glyphs Have Just Been Revealed

In the desert of southern Peru, a mystery has been unfolding over decades.


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Sensory Ecology Lab
Dr. Daniel Pessoa Professor of Animal Behavior and Physiology at Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Brazil. Interested in Animal Communication and Sensory Ecology.
244 followers45 following232 posts