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SETI Institute
Our mission is to lead humanity’s quest to understand the origins and prevalence of life and intelligence in the universe and share that knowledge.
2.9k followers143 following223 posts

Throughout its history, the SETI Institute has pioneered groundbreaking discoveries that have reshaped our understanding of our place in the cosmos. When you give today, your gift will be DOUBLED and help ensure we can continue our groundbreaking work🧪 without interruption.

Top left: SETI Institute logo. Text: Match Challenge Alert, Help us unlock $20K! Background: Earth from space t the bottom with the rest being the dark of space full of stars.

ICYMI: In this month's citizen science Q&A, Dr. Franck Marchis and Dr. Lauren Sgro talk about a potential stellar nova, comet A3, and the search for exoplanets while answering viewer and community member questions. 🧪 🔭 👩‍🔬

Unistellar + SETI: Citizen Science Q&A (Part 3)
Unistellar + SETI: Citizen Science Q&A (Part 3)

Join Dr. Franck Marchis, Chief Science Officer and co-founder at Unistellar and director of Citizen Science at SETI Institute, and Dr. Lauren Sgro, Outreach ...



Photo of the Allen Telescope Array in Hat Creek, California, tinted in shades of yellow and orange. Overlaying the images is a Matrix-like drop of boxes and data points.

TODAY, 25 September, 10 AM PDT Join Dr. Franck Marchis and Dr. Lauren Sgro in a discussion on public participation in scientific research. This collaboration between Unistellar and the SETI Institute focuses on citizen science in astronomy. WATCH LIVE: 🧪 🔭 👩‍🔬

Unistellar + SETI: Citizen Science Q&A (Part 3)
Unistellar + SETI: Citizen Science Q&A (Part 3)

Join Dr. Franck Marchis, Chief Science Officer and co-founder at Unistellar and director of Citizen Science at SETI Institute, and Dr. Lauren Sgro, Outreach ...

0 Astronomers have begun a first-of-its-kind search for signs of “technosignatures” produced by super civilizations—those more advanced than ours—in galaxies beyond the Milky Way. 🧪 🔭

New Search Begins For Alien ‘Super Civilizations’ In 2,800 Galaxies
New Search Begins For Alien ‘Super Civilizations’ In 2,800 Galaxies

Astronomers will soon begin a search of 2,800 galaxies for signs of advanced alien civilizations using a radio telescope in Western Australia.


Big Picture Science 🧪 Radio Show - Skeptic Check: Cell Phone Bans Are bans on digital devices the way to curb problematic distractions in schools? We consider the science of attention and focus on the next Skeptic Check: “Cell Phone Bans”. Listen here:

Graphic with the black outline of a cell phone in a red circle with a line through it.

PRESS RELEASE: The SETI Institute's AIR program announced the recipients of its Cosmic Consciousness residency for mid-career and emerging artists: Bart Kuipers, Julie-Michèle Morin, and daniela brill estrada, with their project Exoplanet Poetry, and Jeremy Colangelo. 🧪 🐡

Photos of four people: Jeremy Colangelo (upper left), Julie-Michele Morin (upper right), Bart Kuipers (lower left), and daniela brill estrada (lower right).

ICYMI: Community scientists have been helping for a while now, and recently, a Unistellar and SETI Institute partnership added to the field. This week, Dr. Lauren Sgro chatted with Beth Johnson about exoplanets, community science, and how science is evolving. 🧪 🔭 👩‍🔬

New Exoplanets Just Dropped! And Citizen Scientists Helped Find Them
New Exoplanets Just Dropped! And Citizen Scientists Helped Find Them

Exoplanets are planets that orbit stars outside our solar system. We've been finding potential exoplanets more often since the Kepler and TESS spacecraft wer...

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SETI Institute
Our mission is to lead humanity’s quest to understand the origins and prevalence of life and intelligence in the universe and share that knowledge.
2.9k followers143 following223 posts