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Stephen Frost
Transport & climate policy at the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) | City farm trustee | Member of Bristol’s Advisory Committee on Climate Change Views my own. Dad in Bristol, raised in Norfolk. There will be typos
1.9k followers1.2k following762 posts

22yrs ago We made the link between deprivation and child pedestrian casualties, and made recommendations on what to do about it. We shouldn't still be having this conversation.

Text reads: Key recommendations

- Traffic calming combined with a maximum 20mph speed limit should become the norm in residential and other built up areas
- Priority should be given to traffic calmed 20mph zones in deprived areas with high pedestrian casualty rates
- All local transport plans should include pedestrian casualty reduction targets
- All local transport plans should include a speed management strategy
- Home zones in Britain should rapidly move beyond demonstration projects to widespread implementation
- The government should develop a national strategy for pedestrians to promote an increase in walking at the same time as a reduction in pedestrian casualties

We've had 20mph residential areas in Lancashire for years now, I find it astonishing it's not been rolled out nationwide.

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Stephen Frost
Transport & climate policy at the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) | City farm trustee | Member of Bristol’s Advisory Committee on Climate Change Views my own. Dad in Bristol, raised in Norfolk. There will be typos
1.9k followers1.2k following762 posts