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Stephen Frost
Transport & climate policy at the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) | City farm trustee | Member of Bristol’s Advisory Committee on Climate Change Views my own. Dad in Bristol, raised in Norfolk. There will be typos
1.9k followers1.2k following762 posts

20mph speed limits work. In many cases we now need to go further in redesigning roads to increase compliance. "If the driver was travelling faster than 20mph, we would have been a much worse situation”

Speed limit praise as girl, five, survives 20mph crash
Speed limit praise as girl, five, survives 20mph crash

Despite praising the lower limit, Nanw's mother calls for more traffic calming measures.


Just out of interest, do you think when we get good enough technology to have self-driving cars, will speed limits increase?


Average car journey in the uk is about 8 miles. @30mph = 16mins @20 mph = 24 mins In the context of a whole day, 8 minutes is statistically insignificant. Sadly folks don’t think in those terms. Same with speeding. You ain’t gaining significant time doing 80mph but risk is exponential.


I honestly can’t see what all the fuss is about. Here in France 30kph (18.6mph) is routine in built up areas. No one bats an eyelid.


Enforcement of limits also helps. Our town has gone to 20 recently and to be fair it is a bit of adjustment when you’ve been used to 30 for all your life. But the Police now need to get out and start fining those who aren’t complying. And there’s lots of them.


Yes, this has been the problem in Cymru, including my road. Change the sign, job done. No, the roads need to change too and there needs to be more enforcement. A good start would be making drivers park on the road rather than the pavement!

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Stephen Frost
Transport & climate policy at the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) | City farm trustee | Member of Bristol’s Advisory Committee on Climate Change Views my own. Dad in Bristol, raised in Norfolk. There will be typos
1.9k followers1.2k following762 posts