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Martha Crawford
former psychotherapist - now facilitating workshops on death, dreams, community resilience and psychologies of liberation Essays in Slate, Vox, New York Magazine collecting dreams @45dreams and @Climatedreams Website:
2.1k followers1.4k following7k posts

Totoro felt that I needed a very vigorous ear massage

A tabby cat with his paw in a 60 year old white woman’s ear
Reposted by Martha Crawford

IMO the fear that is unexpressed in the U.S. at this time is that the country can't actually do big things. That the political culture means everyone is a sitting duck. This means that all of us are at the mercy of major forces we don't control with the likelihood that we'll be on our own.

Reposted by Martha Crawford

Urge your reps to fund free COVID vaccines for underinsured and uninsured adults. Over 25 million US adults will not have covered access to updated boosters and will be required to pay more than $200. #didthistoday

Bring Back Free COVID Vaccines for Uninsured and Underinsured Adults
Bring Back Free COVID Vaccines for Uninsured and Underinsured Adults

Join us in urging Congress, President Biden, and Vice President Harris to fund free COVID vaccines for underinsured and uninsured adults. The CDC’s Bridge Access Program, which provided free COVID vac...


I hate Better Help ads so intensely.


Pile-ons too often require decontexualizing - and listen the world is a raw place- wounds and loss and sorrow every where. My own goal is to slow down my impulses toward knee jerk reactivity And breathe, maybe grieve a moment until my capacity for nuance and compassion come back online.

Reposted by Martha Crawford

DREAM WORKSHOP -Exploring dreams as a creative, contemplative, and community practice 10 weeks, Wed mid-day, starts 12/4

Dream Workshop — What A Shrink Thinks
Dream Workshop — What A Shrink Thinks

dreams, contemplation, creativity

Reposted by Martha Crawford

EMOTION AND CONTEMPLATION WORKSHOP - Winter session: - drawing from various contemplative, meditative, and psycho-spiritual models for establishing “right relationship” to our emotional lives: 5 sessions, Wednesday eves, starts 11/6

Riding the Roller Coaster -Emotion and Contemplation Workshop; — What A Shrink Thinks
Riding the Roller Coaster -Emotion and Contemplation Workshop; — What A Shrink Thinks

exploring alternate strategies for responding to emotional experience

Reposted by Martha Crawford

LIVING INTENTIONALLY WITH MORTALITY - for anyone who wants to expand their ability to withstand existential realities, to develop healthier, more related responses to encounters with death and dying: 16 sessions, Tuesday eves, starts 11/12

Mortality Workshop — What A Shrink Thinks
Mortality Workshop — What A Shrink Thinks

Reposted by Martha Crawford

Winter schedule of workshops - all of the services I provide are offered by "pay-what-you-can" donation: THE GROUP-GROUP - supporting lay people and community members and clinicians in building healthy, boundaried, non-clinical community groups: 6 sessions, Monday eves, starts 11/4

The Group Group — What A Shrink Thinks
The Group Group — What A Shrink Thinks

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Martha Crawford
former psychotherapist - now facilitating workshops on death, dreams, community resilience and psychologies of liberation Essays in Slate, Vox, New York Magazine collecting dreams @45dreams and @Climatedreams Website:
2.1k followers1.4k following7k posts