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Skipai Otter
Male Otter, 49 years old, furry writer, gamer, tv and movies, computer geek, fursuiter, Bi (Male biased).
537 followers409 following23.8k posts

It could be interesting. People want a small instruction book, graphics are them as pool toys, bits changed on what needs to be done to maintain said living pooltoy etc. PDF format added and various pooltoys could exchange manuals. ;)


Could be an interesting YCH in getting a small instruction book for said pooltoy.


Needs art as well on instructions on how to take care of pool toy, how to ride pool toy, warnings on how not to be pooltoy or if you do... Small 4-6 page instruction manual. XD


Always been there. 1980s and a lot of arcade went we have this battery that'll fail at one point but when it does, said arcade won't ever run as the code to make said ROM work is lost forever. Fucking ridiculous that one was. Which Exec thought that needs a punch in the face.


And for some reason, a fair amount of persons out there fall for this outright lie that it's someone else at fault here as politicians use the 'immigrants'. It's the same as blaming the disabled for the 2008 bank crash.


All this was due to British Conservatives and other far right within other political parties that made decisions for their own personal greed. This was home-grown, nothing to do with immigration at all. The Tories even refused to build a centre to do refugee checks on UK soil and abroad.


Wasn't immigrants that caused the DWP to abuse disabled, told one disabled person to go shit in a alleyway behind said building, put third party private companies to do assessments which ended in loads being wrongfully sanctioned to some taking their own lives.


Seriously, he blames immigrants for what the Tories did, funny how immigration didn't stop, hmm.. Cash for honours, taking money, fake PPE scams, fake Brexit port, tax breaks for the rich, Truss's £60-80bn loss, etc. Wasn't immigrants that voted down free school meals for kids either.


"That's it, sending you to horny jail." Me: That's fine. *pulls things out of pocket* I got the master keys, security cards, frequent visitor point card with .. You don't want to know how many points I have, enough to get anything I want in the world, the t-shirt, a movie made of experience, etc.


Trump: It's too late to have another debate, people have voted. Me: *looks at polling* Oh so you're admitting you lost then this time around as you're not debating. Debating means you're still in the race. See how this works, old git?

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Skipai Otter
Male Otter, 49 years old, furry writer, gamer, tv and movies, computer geek, fursuiter, Bi (Male biased).
537 followers409 following23.8k posts