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Stephanie Leary
Front End Developer at Equinox OLI, doing UI and accessibility work on open source library software. Previously: MLIS @ UW iSchool; some WordPress books and stuff. Pretty young for an Old Internet Person. Texas, because reasons.
413 followers361 following597 posts
Reposted by Stephanie Leary

Just a reminder that the polices being rolled out in this national election have been rolling out in states for over 10 years (and sometimes much longer) - and many of them just flat out kill people, especially Black and brown folks, and other marginalized people. We don't have to wonder.

Reposted by Stephanie Leary

The federal minimum wage is still $7.25. The tipped minimum wage is $2.13.

Reposted by Stephanie Leary

There is no place without climate catastrophe because we are deeply interconnected. If we commit to not giving up on each other, we are also guaranteeing that nobody will give up on us. Our safety is in solidarity.

Reposted by Stephanie Leary

I think a lot about someone's quip about the heat dome over Portland that was melting rubber off power lines (paraphrased): "What a beautiful infrastructure we built for a world that no longer exists."

Reposted by Stephanie Leary

Today in "Wait, WHAT?" I learned that Gene Wolfe — recondite, abstruse SF/F author Gene Wolfe — invented the machine that makes Pringles potato chips. It's on the company's own FAQ, which also implies his signature mustache may have inspired their ad mascot.

Reposted by Stephanie Leary

This graph is astonishing. The people that bang on about “natural birth” and “women have been doing this forever without help” need to be forced to stare at this until their eyes water.

Graph of maternal mortality rate against year for the UK. Rate bounces until and down around 500 deaths per 100,000 births until about 1940, when it falls sharply. It’s been very low (~1–3 per 100,000) ever since.
Reposted by Stephanie Leary

Every American under the age of 29 has never voted in a presidential election where Trump was not on the ballot.

Reposted by Stephanie Leary

Public libraries, public universities—it shouldn't take a catastrophe to reveal the extent to which these places and institutions are vital community infrastructure.

Reposted by Stephanie Leary

I hate the "why aren't women having more kids" framing because it begins in the assumption that women's duty is to reproduce and their decisions are wrong. I'd love to see more "what do women want? whats keeping them from achieving it? how can we make that possible?"

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Stephanie Leary
Front End Developer at Equinox OLI, doing UI and accessibility work on open source library software. Previously: MLIS @ UW iSchool; some WordPress books and stuff. Pretty young for an Old Internet Person. Texas, because reasons.
413 followers361 following597 posts