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Two Canadian artists doing their best to spread love and positivity while almost exclusively sleepy all the time! The artists: Mouse & Bun pfp by: @eleillustrates #animation #oc #art #sleepyduoart
355 followers449 following1.5k posts

Red line: initial sketch by Mouse Blue line: clean up sketch by Bun. Line art: done by Mouse Colour: done by Bun. Finished piece: Bun did all shading and lighting, Mouse did the background! #art#process#wip#sygnin2k

Sketch of a woman holding a whip and looking sassily at the camera. she wears a tight corsetted outfit with a laced skirt that has cut outs on the sides. Initial sketch by Mouse
Sketch of a woman holding a whip and looking sassily at the camera. she wears a tight corsetted outfit with a laced skirt that has cut outs on the sides. Clean up sketch by Bun
Lineart of a woman holding a whip and looking sassily at the camera. she wears a tight corsetted outfit with a laced skirt that has cut outs on the sides. Line art by Mouse
An image of a woman holding a whip and looking sassily at the camera. she wears a tight corsetted outfit with a laced skirt that has cut outs on the sides. Her hair and corset are a bright firey red, paired with black accents in her tights, arm coverings and whip. Flat colours by Bun

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Two Canadian artists doing their best to spread love and positivity while almost exclusively sleepy all the time! The artists: Mouse & Bun pfp by: @eleillustrates #animation #oc #art #sleepyduoart
355 followers449 following1.5k posts