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Some bitch with a Lott on her mind
30 followers12 following1.2k posts

I think I need to start drawing sketches of the crew because there’s about fifteen and they look pretty different It’s neat though, to have various people who would be different races in other sci-fi settings falling under a broader definition of humanoids here (and that’s intentional)

Reposted by Somni

It's not "you don't like it? Run for office." It's "you don't like it? Raise your voice. Call, write, protest, ORGANIZE." There is a politician that we can hold accountable, and there is a politician who has publicly stated his intent to turn America into an oligarchy. It's that simple.

Reposted by Somni

A lot of our current election woes stem from the fucked up way we look at democracy in this country. Our job is not to vote once every four years — or even once a year — and then sit on our thumbs. Politicians continue to act as unchecked idiots because we continue to fail to hold them accountable.

Reposted by Somni
Reposted by Somni

zelda moments after being given a fraction of power


Very minor injury kept me from bed… the boy’s probably going to wwke me up in a few hours… shit but anyway nini

a girl with pink hair sleeping in a blanket
a girl with pink hair sleeping in a blanket

ALT: a girl with pink hair sleeping in a blanket

Reposted by Somni

(Cross-post from The Bad Place) I suppose we're doing this again. This is incorrect: the Roman army relied heavily on non-citizens throughout nearly the whole of Roman history, including periods of its greatest success in the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC, when Rome came to dominate the Mediterranean.1/

An Elon Musk tweet, claiming that "Near the fall of the Roman Empire, the Roman Army also increasingly relied on non-citizens," a claim that is, at best, deceptive.
Reposted by Somni

What echo are you summoning? #legendofzelda

Fanart illustration for The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom. Zelda is turning away from a dark corner in a dungeon and there are lurkers in the shadows. Tri is scared and their triangles are straight up making their body like a big exclamation mark. There is a torch casting a warm light contrasting the purple, cold shadows.
Reposted by Somni

Deleted the femicide post 'cause I made way too much typos but the point still stand, if you only care about femicide when the murderer is a migrant even though two women are killed by their husbands/ex/boyfriends each week (here) then you're a piece of shit.

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Some bitch with a Lott on her mind
30 followers12 following1.2k posts