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Jon Davies 🦖
Pixel Artist from the UK, worked on Super House of Dead Ninjas, Binding of Isaac, Inmost, Cave Story+, Cursed to Golf, X-Men ‘97 (S01E4). Loves dinosaurs. No NFTs , no crypto and absolutely no AI! #pixelart Portfolio:
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Some of the pixel pieces I produced for the X-Men 97 episode "Motendo". This was an incredible honour to work on and I am eternally thankful for this as it was a dream come true to work on an animated TV show. #pixelart#marvel#xmen

Pixel art depicting the character Abscissa looking directly forward at the camera. It shows a closeup of her head and shoulders area. She is standing in a cyberspace area and the green pixel grid is reflected on her suit.
Panorama pixel art of the background made for the Savage Lands stage in the Rise of Jubilee game for X-Men 97's episode "Motendo". It is a jungle landscape with a cloudy purple sky with a dirt path passing directly through it. A half buried and overgrown statue of Garokk is one of the background features.
A pixel art scene where Jubilee and Roberto (their backs turned to the camera) are contronted by three Sentinels in a half-destroyed cityscape. One Sentinel has an outstretched arm, and a robotic green speech bubble appears with the words "HALT! MUTANT!" in it.
A pixel art scene showcasing a cyberspace environment full ot polygonal shapes and distorted statues of the X-Men in the background. In front of those, Jubilee, Roberto and Abscissa are standing on the left hand side of the image as a group, facing a massively enlarged Mojo on the right hand side. Mojo is grinning menacingly at the trio.

That's so awesome!


phenomenal work! 🙌💖


That episode was fantastic. Brilliantly nostalgic yet still modern. Incredible pixel art.


Holy shit, congrats man!


These scenes were so fun to watch! I did wonder if the beat 'em up sections were the ones you'd worked on, so very cool to have that suspicion confirmed. Great work mate!


Oh this was fantastic work! Made me yearn for a new X-Men brawler, preferably by the Shredder's Revenge teM


Amazing, can't believe how gorgeous the beat'em up chunk of BG art looks!

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Jon Davies 🦖
Pixel Artist from the UK, worked on Super House of Dead Ninjas, Binding of Isaac, Inmost, Cave Story+, Cursed to Golf, X-Men ‘97 (S01E4). Loves dinosaurs. No NFTs , no crypto and absolutely no AI! #pixelart Portfolio:
6.9k followers1.4k following2.9k posts