An avid platform fighter fan that's obsessed with yoshi! Will draw traditional artwork for commission. Please DM if interested ^^
32 followers79 following26 posts

Day eleven was vintage horror, so I drew a Woofle dressed as Frankenstein's Monster! It was either that, Wolfman, Dracula or the Invisible Man. Look at the alt to see why I chose the monster specifically (since the pictures are on later days, the symbolism will now be in the first alt description)

To symbolize day 11, I drew it with 11 flowers in front of its grave, as well as 11 rocks around it's grave, a way that people seal spirits in this AU so they don't come back to attack or haunt anyone
It was either draw the Woofle as Frankenstein's Monster, Wolfman, Dracula or the Invisible Man. For Wolfman, the Woofles are already kinda that, so it felt lazy. For Dracula, I felt like I missed the opportunity to draw that for day two with bat. And as for the invisible man... well, how tf do I draw invisible exactly? lol

So the only proper choice was the monster. Don't ask why he's in a grave, he heard that the monster is basically a zombie and fell asleep in one to look like he's rising from the dead

Day ten was devil, so I decided to draw a Woofle dressed as... well, the devil. I was originally gonna draw him dressed as the demon king, but that didn't fit too well, since they work under him and he'd probably think he's mocking him, so he'd probably execute him as a result

To symbolize day ten, I drew him with ten souls floating around him. He's also got X's in his eyes, the Roman numeral for ten, but also to symbolize how they show death in cartoons, since he's supposed to look like a devil, a symbol of death/hell

Day nine was eyes, so I drew a Woofle dressed as Shuma-Gorath from Marvel (specifically MvC2 Shuma) I've been on a big MvC2 kick ever since the collection came out. I know it said eyes, but this character is literally one giant eye on 6-7 tentacles (depends on the game) so I think it balances out

To symbolize day nine, I drew him holding 9 candy buckets (one on the head tentacle, three in his left hand, two in his right hand, and three on the one he's controlling with his tail)

Day eight was horns, so I drew a Woofle that dressed as a Ram. Specifically a Woolrun, which are basically to sheep/goats/rams what Fliballs are to bats in this DnD AU. Yes, the horns means she's dressed as as a male Woolrun, but I felt like it's not completely unheard of

I wanted to draw it riding the Woolrun like this because... well, the idea is funny (also go watch My Deer Friend Nokotan, it's so good)
To symbolize day 8, I drew her riding 8 Woolrun like Nokotan riding deer (I know it's hard to see all 8, but if you count the fluff piles, they're all there)

Day seven was cat, so I drew a Woofle that was dressed as a Bakeneko, a yokai cat that gains an extra tail for every 1,000 years it's alive

To symbolize day seven, I drew this Woofle with seven tails, cause he wanted to be lucky... but he dressed specifically as a black cat, which is why he opened the door to his pond fish being killed and eaten by the Hoppa

(So days seven and eight I couldn't draw due to personal reasons, meaning they don't have their own full page showing how they add to the picture, so these next two will have only one pic each, two if they have a reference)


Day six was nightshade. I looked the definition up and it can either be a flower or a certain type of vegetable, one of which being an eggplant. So I decided to draw a Woofle dressed as an eggplant, like that one episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog (which is part of what I based this design off of)

To symbolize day seven, I drew her with 6 lollipops already in her mouth... but she's on a sugar high so she's already planning to eat a seventh

Day 5 was toad/frog, so I decided to draw a Woofle dressed up as Toadally Awesome from Yugioh. Except he's riding a hoppa, which is a demonic frog with 6 legs, spines down their backs and the ability to shoot and create their own acidic poison, so bonus oc! Ref pic in case y'all dunno who T.A. is

To symbolize day 5, I originally drew the Hoppa with five scratch marks on its croak sac, but down the line I fixed it to have eaten and dissolved 5 fish in the pond it's in to show off its acidity more

Day four was Mum... but I didn't know what those were, and when I looked it up, I just saw flowers. But I didn't wanna just use flowers, so instead I used one of my alt saves (the 3 alternative prompts I'm allowed to swap out with any of the 31 days) to draw lizard instead! Yoshi specifically

The specific Yoshi in question is my yoshi, the one in my pfp. His name is Spoopy. He's wearing Hocus' hat, who is the main character of the AU. Whether this is actually her hat or not is a mystery...
To symbolize day four, I drew the Woofle with 4 yoshi eggs in hand. He's also holding a Baby Mario plushie, which isn't tied to the symbolism, but just wanted to point it out

Day three was tarot, so I was gonna draw one of my Woofles reading tarots, but that not being their "main skill", they're unable to read it to begin with, but tarot cards are also really hard to draw normally, let alone this small, so instead I drew a yugioh card because it still fits the dumb theme

Read the other picture's alt for the symbolism, but the card she's reading (females have eye wings, but I hadn't drawn em on yet) has Swords of Revealing Light, a card with three swords on it, to sorta look like the 3 of Swords
To symbolize day three, I drew a card that has 3 swords on it (Swords of Revealing Light to be specific)
An avid platform fighter fan that's obsessed with yoshi! Will draw traditional artwork for commission. Please DM if interested ^^
32 followers79 following26 posts