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Steve Buchheit
Writer, reader, t-shirt artist (, radiographer, reformed politician, maker of charred meats, odd ball, usually full of piss and vinegar, a fool for you, happily punching Nazis since Castle Wolfenstein, all that and a bag of chips.
206 followers165 following3.4k posts

There a scene in The Heat where Sandra Bullock tries a tracheostomy… I'm kinda reminded of that now. Hell, sometimes the ED docs call in anesthesia place an ET tube because it's so tricky. And you'll never see someone work as hard as an ortho doc who realizes the prosthetic/screw is going in wrong.


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Steve Buchheit
Writer, reader, t-shirt artist (, radiographer, reformed politician, maker of charred meats, odd ball, usually full of piss and vinegar, a fool for you, happily punching Nazis since Castle Wolfenstein, all that and a bag of chips.
206 followers165 following3.4k posts